Chapter 20

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I now knew that I was really alone. If Harry couldn't remember me, then I didn't have anyone. I layed in our-his cold bed, with the sheets pulled up to my neck. As I let the tears fall, I knew what I had to do. I had to MAKE him remember me. Then things hopefully would be back to normal. 

I dragged myself to the hospital every morning, after a full night of work, and tried to get Harry to remember. Anything. After a few weeks, he was starting to remember a few things. But he didn't think I was his girlfriend, because in his mind, he was still engaged to Christine. He thought she was still alive. 

"Are you trying to get me and Christine apart?" he asked with cold eyes. Hearing him say it broke my heart into a million pieces. I knew that I had to tell him Christine was gone, but he would talk about her, and I could see the old Harry in there. I didn't want to loose him. I decided I was going to take him to Christine's grave once he was allowed out. Until then, we were stuck with me telling stories of our relationship while he pretended to listen. Usually, the visit ended with me giving him a quick kiss on the cheek (it used to be a hug, and before that an awkward handshake) before saying goodbye. But on the last visit, right as I turned to leave, Harry spoke up. 

"Brynn?" It was the first time I'd heard him say my name in months. I turned back around. "Yes?" 

"Did you try to jump off the bridge, but then I saved you?" he furrowed his eyebrows, as in deep thought. Tears gathered in my eyes as I ran back to hug him so tight I thought I would break his ribs. 

"Yes Harry. Yes, you're remembering," I whispered into his ear.

"I want to remember," He whispered back. "But I can tell that there are some things my mind wants to keep forgotten,and other things it wants me to believe that aren't true" I pulled away from him

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you said I saved you from jumping off that bridge. Why do I remember you hitting the water and never coming up?" he asked. 

I wiped the tears off my face as the realization hit him. "It-it was-h-her wasn't it? Oh my GOD! I remember! NO! CHRISTINE!!" Tears were rolling down his face now. 

"DAMN IT WHY?! WHY DO I HAVE TO GO THROUGH THIS AGAIN?!" he was yelling. I wanted to comfort him, but knew he needed to be left alone. So I exited quietly, telling a nurse about his progress on my way out. She nodded her head in approval, and said, "These things take time dear. But he WILL remember you. Love like that doesn't get forgotten, no matter how hard you try," she smiled at me before going to try to calm Harry. I thought about what she said the whole way home, and even as I lay in the empty flat, the words rang in my head.

"Love like that doesn't get forgotten,"


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