Chapter 4

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This is going to be a short chapter

As Harry pulled into the Chinese restaurant, my throat felt like it was closing and my heart was beating a thousand times per second. Harry got out of the car and opened my door for me. He took my hand gently, but squeezed it firmly as we made our way to the front booth. "Hello Harry!" Said a grinning Chinese man. "Hello Chi," he said. "Just me and the lady today," "Right this way sir," The man lead us down a small hallway to a huge open dining room. There were probably 20 tables, and only 4 were filled. There were magnificent glass chandeliers hanging above the tables. The outside wall was made entirely out of glass and there was a breathtaking view of a lake. The venue was gorgeous. "Harry this place is beautiful," I whispered, so only he could hear. He wrapped an arm around my waist, but I jerked from his touch. I was still nervous about this whole thing. I checked the clock on the wall. It was only 11:30. Hopefully aunt Edith was doing alright on her own. What was I worrying about? She's lived the past 20 years alone I'm sure shell be fine! Harry pulled my chair out for me,and I sat. A waiter came and took our orders, then me and Harry were left alone. Harry sighed. "Brynn I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to force you into this, I just really wanted to be with you," I could feel my hands clamming up as I clenched them together in my lap. All I could do was look down and say "I want to go," softly enough so he couldn't hear. "What did you say?" "I said 'Where's the bathroom?''' He cocked and eyebrow and said "it's up front, through the hallway and next to the exit" he stood up, wanting to walk me there. "No, Harry. I'll go alone," I stood and walked towards the long hallway. I looked over my shoulder, to find Harry had his head in his hands. It looked like he was crying. I think he knew what I was going to do. I turned back around and kept walking. I had to leave! He had no right to do this! I walked out into the parking lot, and realized that Harry was my ride. I was stuck here until he came to get me. I spotted the Rover parked 4 rows away. I got halfway there when a strong arm jerked me around. I was expecting Harry, but all I saw was an older man. He was wearing a ski mask, so I didn't see much of his face. I gasped and quickly screamed for help. But my scream was cut off when the man clamped a sweaty hand over my mouth. "Where do ya think yer goin?" He had a thick Irish accent. I struggled trying to pull my arm away, but he just held tighter. "Stand still!" He twisted my arm so hard that I yelped and tears were brimming my eyes. That was going to leave a mark. Suddenly an idea sparked in my mind. I kicked this man right in the groin. As expected he lurched forward, abandoning my arm and mouth to clench his stomach. I turned and ran, as hard and fast as I could. But stopped only seconds later when I couldn't hear the man running after me. I turned to look. A tall, dark figure loomed over the man. "Harry! I swear I didn't know-I never wouldve," the man stumbled over his words. Harry punched the man. Hard. Over and over again. He wouldn't stop. I hand fluttered to my mouth as tears came to my eyes. He was going to kill this man if I didn't stop him. I ran to them. "HARRY!" I yelled "HARRY STOP!" I got to them and grabbed Harry's arm, yanking it away. He jerked it out of my grip and said "I can take care of myself Brynn," "NO Harry I want you to stop please," I could feel the tears coming and I backed away, crying. Harry turned to look at me. "Brynn, go to the car," "But Harry I-" "BRYNN" he yelled at me. I sobbed. I was scared if Harry. He was capable of hurting me. But in a twisted way, I loved it.

The car ride home was awkward and silent. My mind was racing. I had been in London for a day and so much had happened. The only noise in the car was the soft crackle of radio static. I looked at Harry again, captivated by his beauty. He looked over at me, and our eyes locked. "Brynn, I'm really sorry that I did this," he said looking back at the road. "I've just never felt this way about anyone before, and I was scared of losing you," I looked away, my heart fluttering, my cheeks reddening and my mind racing. "Harry?" I said weakly. "Yes darling?" Darling. Oh shit Kyle! "Can we go back to Target? I really do need toothpaste." Harry chuckled. "Of course love,"

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