Chapter 18

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Several weeks after our group hangout, I was back to having schedules with Jay. This time around, we were asked to go to the company and finish the last step, which is step three.

I didn't know what it was but I felt a little bit nervous just thinking about it. I remember what Mr. Kim said before when Jay asked if we were gonna do a kiss for step three.

I sighed and shook my head, trying to stop myself from overthinking. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. I thought to myself before grabbing my things and heading out.

As usual, Mr. Yoon picked me up at my place and drove me straight to the company. Then, I went to the practice room as soon as I arrived.

Knocking at the door and slowly opening it after, I saw that Mr. Kim was already waiting for me inside. I entered the room and greeted him but there was still no sign of Jay.

I was used to seeing him arrived before me that I didn't know what I was going to do since he's not yet here. I sat on the seat by the corner and looked at Mr. Kim, fiddling my fingers out of nervousness.

"You must be wondering why Jay isn't here yet." Mr. Kim said and I nodded. "Well apparently he woke up late that's why Changwoo picked you up first before going to Jay's place."

"Ohh, thank you for telling me. I thought our schedule was cancelled." I smiled.

I awkwardly sat on the chair as certain thoughts came forming inside my head, making me overthink about step three once again.

I exhaled and try to muster up the courage to ask Mr. Kim about it since I didn't want it to occupy my mind too much.

"Um, Mr. Kim..." He looked up from his phone and raised a single eyebrow, indicating for me to speak. "You've mentioned before that step three is the most important stage. Why do you say so?"

"Ah, right." Mr. Kim walked towards me. "It's because it's the step that's most believable to the public. If you both pulled this off, then people will no longer doubt your relationship."

"What is i–" Before I could speak any longer, the door opened, revealing Jay who had just arrived.

"Good morning." He smiled, greeting us both. After that, Mr. Kim told us to stand in the middle together as we needed a lot of time in performing step three.

Unlike before, it was no longer awkward for both of us to stand in front of each other even if we were at a close distance which made it easier for us to talk.

"Do you have any idea with what we're doing today?" Jay whispered and I shook my head. "No." I replied back.

"Okay, now look here." Mr. Kim instructed and we both turned to his direction.

"Listen carefully. For step three, you will need to try and learn to kiss each other on the cheek." My mouth was slightly agape when I heard Mr. Kim.

"I know what you're thinking. But don't worry, I won't ask you to kiss each other on the lips since it will not be appropriate for me to do that. And it requires consent which is something that I can't force you to do."

"It's not even included in the contract so it'll be okay if you won't be doing that." He added.

I sighed relieved. To be honest, I haven't had my first kiss yet. So it's a good thing that Mr. Kim understands. "Thank you, Mr. Kim." I smiled.

"You're welcome." Mr. Kim smiled back. "Now let's get started. Please move closer." He said, gesturing with his hands.

I nodded and we both took a step forward, filling the gap between us. "Jay, I need you to–" Mr. Kim started talking but then my phone, which is not what I use for work, rang.

"Would you excuse me for a second?" I told them and Mr. Kim nodded as I made my way to the side, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

I looked at my phone, confused when I saw my mom was calling me. I furrowed my eyebrows. Why would she call me if she knows that I'm working at this time?

When I answered the call, I was surprised that it wasn't my mom's voice that I heard. Instead, it was my mom's friend who I call, Aunt Minyoung.

Mom have known her for a few years ever since she started working at the local market where Aunt Minyoung also works at.

She's the one that guided mom on her first weeks on the job and helped her with all her inquiries. Even though I rarely see her, mom talks to me about her all the time as she's the only person she has ever known outside home ever since what happened.

So, with Aunt Minyoung calling me instead of my mom made me nervous as I knew she wouldn't just call using my mom's number for nothing.

"Y/N, I'm glad you picked up." She said once I answered the call. Her voice didn't sound inviting unlike when I see her at the market with my mom, which made me grew more nervous.

"Aunt Minyoung, I'm surprised you called. Is everything okay?" Holding the lump on my throat, I hoped that things were fine. But deep down, I knew that it wasn't.
"Not really. You're mother was hospitalized since she fainted as she was opening the store. I'm with her right now but I can only stay with her for a couple of hours. Can you come here if you have time, dear? Your mother needs you."

"O– okay. I'll go there right now." I replied with trembling voice as I felt a few tears forming in my eyes. I can't lose her too.

"Thank you, dear. I promise I won't leave your mother's side until you get here." She said. "Yes. Thank you, Aunt Minyoung."

After hanging up, I rushed to Mr. Kim and told him what happened. "Is it possible for me to take my leave? I really need to go see my mom." I asked after I've explained everything.

"You can." Mr. Kim said with a worried expression on his face. "Your only schedule is today and you don't have any schedule for the next few days so it's okay for you to go. I'll be the one to explain to Mr. Bang everything. I'm sure he'll understand."

"Thank you so much." I replied, trying to stop myself from crying. Then, I went towards Jay after to say good bye before leaving.

"I'm coming with you." He said once I was in front of him. "What? No, it's alright Jay. You don't need to do that. I can handle this myself." I forced a smile, trying to convince him.

"No. I insist." He took my right hand, gently squeezing it. "I'm not letting you go out there by yourself. Especially at this state."

I avoided his gaze and looked down. I know he just wanted to help but I don't want him to go with me when a lot of people might recognize him. "Y/N." He called, making me look back at him.

"I know you're worried. But you don't have to. If there are fans who saw us together, at least I'm with you. It'll be more of a problem if they found out that I'm letting my girlfriend go out by herself and risking the chance of them hurting you." He said, giving me a comforting smile.

Before I can reply, Mr. Kim steps in our conversation and said, "Jay can come with you if you like. The group also doesn't have any schedule as well. I will handle the things here so both of you can go."

"Okay, you can come. Thank you." I told Jay as a few tears that I've been holding, escaped my eyes.

I took my hand out to wipe my tears away when I felt Jay's arms wrap around my back, pulling me close to him and bringing me in for a hug.

"Shh, it's okay. I got you." He said, gently stroking my back.

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