Chapter 22

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Friday came, the day that I'm going to meet Jay's dad. I was feeling nervous from the moment that I woke up but I told myself not to make it obvious as I didn't want Jay to worry.

The doorbell rang, indicating that Jay was already here. I opened the door for him and he smiled, saying a simple "Hi," before going inside.

"So..." Jay started looking at me worried. "We're going to meet my dad at our house." He added, pulling his eyebrows together and waiting for my reaction.

"WHAT? You told me the other day that we're going to go to some restaurant." I said, confused with him suddenly changing the location.

"I know, I know. But dad said that it would be better if we go there ourselves." I sighed and removed my gaze at him, starting to get nervous even more.

Meeting Jay's dad is something that I didn't expect I would do. But going to their house to meet him? That's more than I can imagine of.

I heard that Jay's family is wealthy, and going to their house might make me feel a bit uncomfortable because of how different their lifestyle is.

Jay gently grabbed both of my shoulders, making me face him. "Don't worry, Y/N." He said with a reassuring smile, "I'll be with you the whole time."

I sighed. "Okay. It's not like I have any other choice though."

"Good. Now go get ready, we'll leave in 5 minutes." He said as I walked towards my room. "Oh and another thing..." I turned to him raising my eyebrows.

"Only my dad will join us and my mom won't be there. She went out with her friends and she won't be back later tonight."

"Sure, I'll keep that in mind." I replied smiling at him then heading inside the room to change.


Inside the car, I started asking Jay some random questions about what I'm going to tell his dad since I was too scared that I might say something that he doesn't like.

"Jay, what if your dad asked me something and I don't know what to answer? Do I need to lie or..."

"It's up to you, Y/N." He replied. "I'll support everything that you say, so even if it's a lie or not, just know that I got your back."

I smiled. "Thank you."

We pulled over in front of the Park Residence and I was shocked with what I'm seeing. I was amazed by its extravagant appearance.

It was a mansion and I never did once thought that Jay would be living in one.

The mansion was huge and surrounded by beautiful gardens. The outside had grand architecture with fancy carvings and large windows that reflected the sunlight.

I gulped as the gates opened, letting the car go inside and park. We went down after as I stared at the mansion from the outside, astounded by it's stunning features.

The whole place looked so luxurious and elegant that I couldn't help but wonder what the inside would be like. The entryway had stunning double doors, and I felt a mix of excitement and nervousness just by looking at it.

"You ready?" Jay asked, extending his hand for me to hold. "I guess." I answered uncertainly as we climbed up the steps.

The double doors were opened, and my eyes roamed across the entire place, admiring at how luxurious it looked.

We were greeted with who I assumed was one of their butlers. "Good afternoon Mr. Park, welcome home." He bowed slightly at Jay.

"Nice to see you again, Mr. Hong." Jay greeted back, a smile creeping on his face. "And this must be Ms. Song." The butler turned to me.

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