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I wake up still taken back by the events from yesterday. I never felt like this for a girl before, but still.. she was my teammate's wife. I can't have feelings for her, it would not be fair to me, her and for sure not to Carlos. I let the thoughts fly from my mind and start to get ready. My first F1 qualifying session in my career, I am very excited.

I make my way to the car and drive off. After 20 minutes of driving I arrive at the paddock where I see a lot of McLaren fans cheering for me, so I wave at them with a huge smile on my face. It seems like people really like me and my driving skills.

I scan my paddock pass and start walking to the McLaren garage, but on the way there I see her, the girl I have been thinking for the past 24 hours. I see she noticed me as she is making her way to me.

Y- Buenos dias, Lando!

L- Buenos dias, Y/n! How are you?

Y- I am really good, really excited for my first qualy. You? How are you feeling?

L- I can't wait to get in the car. I smile at her politely.

Y- I am sorry I have to go, media duties. she rolls her eyes playfully. But I wish you an amazing FP3 and a great qualy, but hey, stay behind me, yeah?!

L- Whatever you say! I laugh. Thank you, you too!

And with that I continue my walk through the paddock to the McLaren hospitality where I am supposed to have breakfast with Carlos. I enter the building and see Carlos sitting at a table looking at his phone. I make my way to him with a worried smile on my face.

L- Holla, Carlos! How are you mate?

C- Hello, muppet! I am good, how are you feeling? Excited?

L- Yeah! I hope it goes well. Ummm... I wanted to ask you something.

C- Ask me muppet!

L- How did you meet your wife? I asked scared of the answer and hoped it wasn't a stupid question.

C- What wife, you muppet? he asked laughing really hard.

L- Y/N? I said not understanding his question.

C- Don't tell me you thought Y/n is my wife! SHE IS MY SISTER!

L- OH MY GOD! I said not believing what he just said.

Carlos was laughing at me and at my stupidity. Even I couldn't believe my stupidity!

I quickly excused myself from that awkward moment and headed to the garage. I needed to think at something else and not that I really thought that Y/n is Carlos' wife. But how would I tell my best friend that I am falling for his sister. Why is my love life so complicated!?

It was my last flying lap of Q2, I knew I was going to get knocked out but still wanted to do my best! The whole lap I was trying to stay focused but my mind was at Y/n and how would the fact that she is my teammate's sister complicate the situation. I managed to put in a decent lap, the team was proud of me so I was happy. I get out of the car after finishing 13th and make my way to my driver room to get ready for post-qualy interview and finish for the day.

The day passed without any interesting events, but the high point is that I qualified P13! I take that as a good start to be honest. Y/n finished P12 so she will for sure make fun of me. But I don't give her the chance as I sprint to my car and from the parking lot of my hotel to my hotel room.

As I throw myself on the bed I get a notification on my phone. It was her!


NOOOOOOOOOOOO, HE TOLD HER! OFCOURSE HE DID! Now my life is ruined! Thank you!


PS: I know it is quiet quick but I need things to happen soooo he had to know, so from now on the romance start, but with drama!
Hey guys! I am sorry it takes that long for the next part, but i have been on a road trip and since i don't have my laptop with me it's quiet inconvenient. Next part will be up on Wednesday or Thursday the latest! Love you all.

married? Season 1Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα