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The next morning is a slow one, both of us still exhausted from the event that happened not even 24 hours ago.

When i woke i saw Lando still sleeping next to me. I lean into him since his arms are still wrapped around me. I place a lot of kisses on his face, it doesn't feel weird or anything, it feels right, like it is destiny and that we belong together. I see him starting to wake up with a smile on his face and one instantly appears on my face too.

-Well good morning to you too sunshine! he jokes and pulls me closer to him.

-Morning sleepyhead! i giggle and kiss him one last time.

-I could really get used to waking up with you by my side every. single day. he says placing a kiss on my lips after every word.
-Me too Lans, me too. I get lost in his beautiful eyes and i don't realise it until he looks away, looking for his phone.
He finds it and looks at the hour.
- It's already 11 am! He gasps. We didn't even ate for dinner last night, you must be starving, cus for sure i am.
-ohh pour thing, you hungry? I tease him and giggle.
-Come on! Let's get ready and go somewhere to eat.
-But what about your meal plan?
-Don't worry darling! It is worth it every single cheat meal with you. He smiles and gives me a soft kiss on the lips.

We start getting ready and soon we are out the door. Walking side by side, hand in hand feels so natural and i love it!

The day went on quiet normal, but then Lando asked me a question that brought up lots of thoughts.

-Umm Y/n, i know you may not feel like it and i would totally get it if you would say noy, but the Silverstone GP is in one week and it's my home race, and i- i would really like it if you would come with me?

-oh, wow, Lans. that's unexpected. i say totally taken back

-i know, but you said it yourself, uni is boring and you have the brake soon so nothing important will happen in 2 days that you are gone.

-i know, i know, and i really appreciate your thought, but i don't know if ii am ready to be back.

-i know, i just really want you there and i promise we will get through it together, you could only stay in my driver room and just come and leave with me. i will stay next to you when i am not in the car or at interviews.

-it's a great plan, Lans, but i am not sure how it will make me feel.

-i know, just think about it and let me know, and don't feel any pressure, it's ok if you don't feel ready and say no.

he kisses my cheek and goes to the streaming room, knowing he planned to stream together with max.

I start thinking about it and then i head to the living room to watch tv, but instead a start watching Lando's stream. it's been a few minutes and i start to get hungry, so i decide to ask Lando if he would like to eat.

i knock on the door and his head turns to me. he takes of his gaming headphones of.

-hey, umm i am a bit hungry, do you want to eat?


he pauses and turns to the stream : sorry chat, i have to mute myself for a sec.

-if you want and can, i will end the stream in maximum 30 minutes and i will come help you, if not we could order something? he smiles at me

-umm i am not really in the mood for cooking, can we order?

-whatever you want babe.

i go to the living room to take my phone and i head back to the streaming room. I pop on the sofa that is in there and start placing the order.


hey guys! sorry for the wait, i just haven't been really inspired! hope you like it! more eventful parts will be up soon, but until then... i hope you enjoy and thank you for the support!

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