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The ride home didn't seem so long after all! I can't believe how fast time can pass when you have someone next to you. The whole way home Lando held my hand in his and from time to time he would kiss it sweetly. I can't believe this man is in my life!

ANYWAY! Three weeks have passed since i moved in with Lando in Monaco. We slowly fell into a simple and enjoyable routine. Every mourning we would wake up and drink a coffee and have breakfast together. Lando would go train with his PT and i would go to uni. Lando would wait for me outside the building and we would walk the whole way home. Usually Lando has a strict planning meal and we would cook the meals together, and by together i mean I, because i will not let Lando cook by himself anymore after the one time he almost set the apartment on fire one week ago! Since then, he would simply help me by cutting the food or whatever. But the meal i love most is THE SUNDAY in every month when Lando is allowed to have a "cheat meal" and he would take me out for dinner. Even though it has only been one time, I can easily say that i really enjoy this dinner. Last week we went to a gorgeous restaurant where we ate pasta! It was the best pasta i have ever had!

SO today i thought that would be just another lovely and known routine. But no! My brother decided to pay us a visit and just knock nonstop on the door. Lando was doing grocery's and i started preparing the lunch when i hard the knocks. I thought it was Lando and that he forgot his keys. I go to the door, but it wasn't locked so i opened it to see who it was.

-What are you doing here? i ask Carlos uninterested.

-Umm... I saw you moved out your stuff...

-Well after you threw me out, i had to go somewhere and Lando was kind enough to offer me a place to stay. i smile politely.

-Speaking of Lando where is he? he asks while stepping around me and

-You know Carlos I don't have time for your questions, I was cooking lunch and i let the food on the stove so please Carlos just tell me what you want or leave.

-So now you are Lando's cook? Let me guess you also do his laundry and clean around the house? he says, but i don't know if he was amused or annoyed.

-How could you think -

And at that moment Lando comes through the door with 4 bags full of grocery.

-Y/n I am back! And i smell food! You didn't wait for me to help you! And speaking of help i could really use some please! he says and laughs without seeing me, nor Carlos.

-Lans... i tell him so he can see that Carlos is here.

-Oh... Hey mate! Umm... well this is awkward.

-Lando can you please leave us for a moment? Carlos says a bit furious after seeing his face.

-You can't tell him to get out his own house! What's wrong with you! Lando you can do whatever we will go somewhere to talk. i smile at him

-No, no, it's fine! I will just let these bags and i will go and take care of lunch.

-Don't you dare! You know what happened last time! i quietly laugh, absolutely forgetting about Carlos.

-Ok, ok! he smiles at me and goes to the kitchen and i hear the door shout down.

I turn to Carlos furious and i can see guilt on his face. He deserves to feel it!


Hello guys! I am back and strong! I hope i can write another amazing chapter this afternoon, but if not it will be up on Sunday, because tomorrow i am going snowboarding! I hope you enjoyed this part and this story! Thank you for all the support!

married? Season 1Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora