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I CAN'T BELIEVE Y/N ACTUALLY ACCEPTED TO COME! I can't explain how happy i am that she came with me, it means a lot to have her by my side at my home race. i know it's not easy for her to be back after the accident but i can't help but feel happy that she forgot about it and her fight with Carlos and came.

We still haven't made it official, but people have seen us together so there is no point in denying it now. The fans seem happy for us in most cases and i am happy to know that. I still want to ask y/n to be my girlfriend, even though we already act like a couple. And i am going to say this again and again, she is the love of my life and i want to spend my future with her.

We now entered the paddock and barely went through the crowds of fans cheering and filming us. I told y/n that she can stay in my driver room all day if she wants, because i know it's probably hard for her to face Carlos after the fight they had, especially with me around. i have tried talking and fix our friendship with Carlos but he isn't giving in, although he keeps it professional on and off track, i still miss my bestfriend. i plan on talking with both y/n and Carlos together in the same room so we can sort it out. we all are hurt and it damages us more day by day and it's going to destroy all of us. now that y/n is almost done with university and will soon get her degree, she want to come back to f1 as a reporter. she will have to take interviews with Carlos and the dynamic they have right now won't show up well on the cameras.

but now i can't think of that as i hop in the car for the FP1. The car looks quick and i hope i will have a good result, maybe even my first win with a lot of luck. it would mean a lot to win Infront of my home people, but i know my time will come.

quick enough the FP1 ends with a good result, P5. in between FP1 and FP2 i go to lunch with y/n to the restaurant in the McLaren hospitality. it was a good thing we didn't come across with Carlos and were able to enjoy our meal.

FP2 ended worse that i would have wanted, P8 was the best i could do.


hey guys! i know there is not a lot going on in this part so i will try to write another one tonight that is more eventful. hope you like it and thank you again for the support. stay tuned for next part!

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