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I push hard on the breaks. I am in shock. Have i heard it right? They know who we are. Oh man... this is bad.

-Why are you laughing?

-You should see your face. Come on, relax a bit. They promised to not say anything.

-Oh... *pfew* Well are you ok with them knowing about us?

-Well i know we have only knew them for 2 days but i do trust them. They seemed genuine.

-Well if you are ok with it... then i am too. *i smile at her and she smiles back*

God! I have seen that smile a million times and i still can't get over how perfect it is. And the fact that i make her smile... just makes my heart feel full. This girl really changed my life... I know i probably destroyed her relation with Carlos, and honestly i wouldn't change it, i know it sounds selfish and bad, but you have no idea of how she makes me feel. Only when i hear her name or anything she likes, my heart rate goes up and the butterflies in my stomach go crazy! When she walks in the room i can feel shivers going up my spine and i LOVE it! When we accidently touch, or not, her touch leaves a hot spot on my skin. Her voice is like a melody to my ears, i could listen to her for hours, even Days! Everything about her is special and the fact that she accepted moving in with me is something that makes me feel complete in life. I think i found THE someone for me... I know, i know! I am a simp, but if one day Y/n will truly be mine then... it is all worth it.

-Lando! Are you ok?

I come back to reality. Where Y/n is waving her hand Infront of my face to get my attention. I realize i was daydreaming again. About Y/n! AGAIN!

-Oh yeah sorry! I was just caught on a thought.

I hear honks from behind and i realize i am still in the car. In traffic! I push the gas paddle and start moving again.

Oh my god. I am deep in this situation...


Hey guys! A really short one, i know... i am sorry but truly.... i am exhausted! First week of highschool is killing me. And with that the motivation and the inspiration that i have die. I think this is the only part for this week. I am sorry. And also i realized that in 300 words i can't really express everything that i would like to soo... I will write a long part every week. Honestly it's just more convenient for me and i think also for you guys. Please let me know if you have any ideas or questions. Thank you, hope you enjoy and i am sorry, again.

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