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Ian and Mickey were currently getting ready to go out for a ran that Ian some how convinced Mickey to go with him. The time was about five thirty on Sunday morning, so it was as pretty cold outside. As they were getting ready for their ran Mickey grabbed one of Ian's hoodies and put on him before leaving the room to go downstairs for a cup of water before a head. Ian got done a few seconds before seeing Mickey in his hoodie and smirking. 'I was wonder where that went' Ian said. 'Shut up' Mickey said as Ian planted a kiss on his check causing Mickey to blush a bit. 'Come on let's go' Ian said dragging Mickey out of the Gallagher's house hold.
An hour later they return home sweating out of their asses. Finding the house full as usual with kids running around, and Debbi and Carl fighting over something as usual. Just a normal morning as they entered the house Debbi whistle. 'Oh ooh someone got an early booty called' she said as Mickey flipped her over. 'Fuck you Debbra' Debbi just rolled her eyes smirking making her way towards Frannie handing her a cup of orange juice just like the young her. The two quickly made their way upstairs to get their shower down finding Liam and Lip up already and carl that just made his way from upstairs. 'What happens to you two' Lip asked looking over them. 'Red decided to fucking dragging me over to his Mary Poppins life' Mickey said making his way to their bedroom. 'Is that your sweater?' Carl asked looking over Mickey, as Ian smirked. 'Definitely married' Lip called before the two made their way downstairs for breakfast. Leaving the two sweating man's behind. 'Your brother is an ass' Mickey said. 'No sweat' Ian laugh kissing Mickey's sweaty face and walking towards the bathroom dragging him along side shutting the door behinds them with a pop.

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