Working out

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Ian and Mickey have recently decided to join the gym in their building. It was a fancy ass gym with all the equipments and the new running machines.

Every Sunday morning the couple would wake up at six am to much of Mickey's amused and exhausted feeling trying to get back sleep. They would dress in some running shorts and a tank top and their running shoes. Ian would set them some water and energy shakes to take with them while Mickey would comb his hair in the mirror.

They arrived to the gym twenty minutes later. Each going to a different direction to start their workout. Ian went to the lifting while Mickey went for a run.
When Mickey start to get more sweaty he took off his shirt and Ian saw himself getting hard while some guy thought he could just stare at him. Ian quickly glance at him giving him the death stare that Mickey was issuing every time someone was glancing at him the wrong way. He then put the dumbbells down and made his way towards Mickey who just pressed the button 'cool down' on the trainer.
'Hey wanna spot me?' he asked. 'Give me two minutes' Mickey responded. Ian nodded and made his way to the lifting part back. He laid down against the mattress and waiting for Mickey getting in position.
'Need a watcher?' a girl asked stepping close towards him.
'No thanks my husbands will do that' he responded and the girl basically informed him getting behind the weight and waiting for him to start. And just in time Mickey step up closer and sat on him.
'Fucking tease' Ian smirked.
'You're gonna let him sit on your crotch just like that?' the girl asked unimpressed and disgust.
'Girl he have done more of this before' Ian responded looking back at Mickey with a smile.
'Come on Gallagher let's see what you got' Mickey challenged him and Ian start to lift up and down the wight as the girl scoffed and walked away.
'When you get off this shit I want you on something else' Mickey smirked.
'Fucking teaser'
I've been felling like I don't do enough of fluff with this two
I guess it's about time
Have a great day everyone
Love ya❤️

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