Sometimes I reconsider my taste in men

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Hi guys, and happy Thursday ! so close to the end of the week, I can't tell how excited I am.
Anyhow, I had this idea all day in my mind for no reason at all, and I just decided to write it down and see how it went.
Just stick with me on that.
It was again that time of the year when all the seniors got divided into small groups—boys and girls. To talk about sex.
In an educational way, yet most of the kids find it unpleasant and embarrassing.
For Ian and Mickey, it was awful.
It was not only hard on them to hide their sexuality in school, but on the south side,they had to sit for two hours straight. While hearing all those straight-ass boys talking about girls.
Just at the thought of that, they were sick.

Mickey: Can't we just run away? It would be much easier.
Ian: You know we can't. Mr.J said if we arrived to the lecture, he would drop the detonation.
Mickey: Do I look like I give a shit about him?
Ian: Do you give a shit about me?
Mickey: I would have too, wouldn't I?
Ian: Then you'd be at the lecture.
Mickey: Sometimes I reconsider my taste in guys.
Ian: It's bad. I can tell you for sure.
Mickey: Not like yours was a different
Ian: You're coming to that lecture. Mick
Mickey: Fine, but we are leaving in the middle when it gets too weird.
Ian: We will see about that.

They entered the conference room around nine p.m. and took their seats right next to each other. And put their bags on the floor.

An old, kind man walked inside. He seemed to be in his forties with experience in life.
"Hello boys, my name is Mark Bey, and I'd guide you today through this lecture." He smiled and sat down in front of the large circle of boys.
"Why won't we start with a simple question? Each of you would say your name, and then each would say if you're in a relationship and you can tell about her," he explained. "You red head, why won't you go first?".

"My name is Ian Gallagher, and I'm in a relationship," he introduced, smiling at the man.
"Would you like to talk about your girlfriend?" Mark asked, and Ian shook his head.
"Alright, you next to him," he pointed at Mickey.
"Mickey Milkovich"
"And are you in a relationship, boy?" and Mickey nodded. "Would you like to tell me about her?" and Mickey shook his head.
"Alright then," Mark nodded and then looked at the next boy.

"Okay, now I'll need each of you to turn their attention to the screen while I present to you information about contraception for you and your girl," he explained, standing up and making his way to the computer.
From the corner of his eye, Ian could see his boyfriend rolling his eyes physically and mentally, pulling his phone out of his back pocket.

Mickey: Do we really want to learn about the morning after pill? I don't think we will really need it.
Ian: Why do you want me to knock you up?
Mickey: Is that a challenge, Gallagher?
Ian: Save it, Mick, for after class.
Mickey: Why's that? I'm getting really turned on with all the pictures of vaginas and fake dicks.

Ian rolled his eyes in response and put his phone down. He isn't going to lie; this lecture was really disgusting to hear about how to properly please a girl while consulting together for an agreement for a good sexual life for the two of you.
So, as you see, that's the problem with the school system.
Yes, they sometimes gave a very good lesson to the kids that would be relevant nowadays and benefit their future.
But sometimes they would end up with sex talks and would only include the straight version of it and wouldn't look the other way.

"I can't believe I let you drag me into this," Mickey called as they exited the lecture.
"Why's that? I thought you had a lot of fun, especially when they talked about abortion."
"You keep talking like that, Gallagher. I'd set you up with the next free pussycat I can find for you," he threatened, and Ian smirked, looking around, making sure no one could hear them before pushing Mickey against the lockers.
"You know I think I'm good, I've my privet asshole to fuck."
"Oh yeah?" Mickey asked with a curious look, "How about you show me how you do that?" as Ian smirked, leading them to the nearby bathroom.

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