Exes to lovers again

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Intro: Ian and Mickey used to date in high school, but broke up in the end. Will they reconnect again after that time apart?
After he finished high school, Ian decided to continue his life choices and became an EMT guy. He moved out of Chicago and moved to NYC to get his medical training, and then started to work at the closest station to his house. It was a small two bedroom's apartment with a beautiful view of central park where he would run every morning 6 miles and then get ready for work.

He woke up at six am as usual, took his morning pills for his bipolar disorder with some water, got dressed and put on his running shoes. He exited the house 10 minutes later, starting to run. Half way through his run he didn't see he came across a figure sending both of them to the ground with a huff.
'Watch where you are going asshole!' the guy called, Ian got up from the ground quickly moving his gaze to look over the guy that came across his way.
'Mickey?' he asked confused.
'Gallagher? what are you doing here?' Mickey called.
'I live here'
'You do? I thought you moved on to some military base across the world' he stated.
'Well things don't always work out for the best.. I'm a EMT now'
'Oh cool' Mickey smiled at him.
He looked different, acted different, he was different. A god different.
'Listen I gotta finish with my run and get to work, but how about we will later that day for a coffee or something-I'd like to catch up with you if you're down for that' he suggested.
'Sure I get off work around five'
'Works for me' he put his headphones back on and turned to his way not before calling for Mickey one last time.
'I'll text you'

Mickey Milkovich was not a man you'd like to come across on the street. Even after all these years away from the south side he was still that thug that Ian fell for back then. Today he was working as a Banker at Chase Bank. After he finished high school he discovered his talent with numbers, though many people have told him before he didn't really listen. In the end when he found himself with no job and almost homeless he decided to take his chances with that and started to learn businesses management at Pace university in New York. Five years forward he was working at Chase Bank as a respectful banker.
When he saw Ian that morning he was different, he got hotter if it was any possible. He seemed to work out a lot since he last saw him. He kinda missed him.
The redhead Gallagher didn't seem to leave his head since they last saw each other.
So when Ian suggested to meet up this afternoon he was over the moon.

Seeing each other after so long seemed to ease the day for the two of them. They had a joyful day though they have a very stressful work place. As four o'clock hit by Mickey's phone beeped for a message knowing very well who would text him at the time.
Ian: Hey it's Ian
Mickey: I know who you are Gallagher still have your number in my phone
Ian: Good are you down for burgers I'm kinda of starving?
Mickey: Sure Shake Shack?
Ian: No idea where that is but I'll google it see you there
Mickey: Need a ride or you're coming with the ambulance or yours
Ian: No can do Mick. If you can pick me up that be awesome save me a ride with the L
Mickey: Send me your address I'll be there around five

Just as he promised Mickey pulled outside of the station seeing Ian already outside waiting for him. He was so hot with his uniform's on that Mickey didn't want to move his eyes away from him.
'Gallagher!' he called. Ian as he saw him quickly jogged towards his car getting inside.
'Nice car you got' he smiled closing the door behind him and putting his seatbelt.
'The benefits of working at a bank' he smirked starting the car again and driving towards their destination.
'So how was work? Doing all this superhero stuff?' Mickey asked smiling at him.
'Yeah you can say that. Helped a ten years old boy today that fell over from his skateboard scratch all his knee'
'Nothing you don't see I guess on a daily basis'
'Yeah I guess so. So how did you end up being a banker exactly? I thought you'd always be like a mechanic or something like that by the end' Ian asked.
'When I finished high school and we separated I was working as a waiter and the manager always said I'm good with number and all of that. So with the help of Mandy I found myself learning business management at Pace university in New York' Mickey said at last.
'Wow didn't saw that one coming'
'Trust me no one did' he replied.
He pulled outside of the restaurant and they quickly got out of the car heading inside.
'Hey table for two' Ian smiled at the host. She nodded quickly and approached then towards a boot for the two of them. They sat in front of each other as the woman put the menus in front of them.
'Were you here before?' Ian asked.
'Once during a date didn't go well but the food was good' Ian nodded.
They went back and forth between the menu's both deciding to take a double cheeseburger and one chocolate milkshake and one vanilla milkshake.
'Thought you're still going with the health shit' Mickey asked.
'Can cheat once in a while' he chuckled softly.
As their food arrived at the table they start to dig in enjoying every bite as it last.
'This is actually really good Mick'
'Damn right' Mickey smiled
As Mickey took another bite from his food some of the sauce field his face.
'You got some sauce on your face'
'Where?' Mickey asked trying to wipe it away without secede using a napkin.
'Here' Ian said point on his nose so Mickey would get it off. But again he couldn't.
'It's gone?' he asked, Ian shook his head lightly and took the napkin from Mickey's hand leaning in closer to wipe it by himself.
As they were only an inch away from each other Ian could feel the atmosphere getting more intense.
They were only an inch away from their lips to connect in a firely kiss.
After this much time apart from each other they have missed the touch and warm they shared with the other boy. The long time they spend talking and getting to know each other, fighting like a could have kids they were back their. And the love, the love felt for each other was unconditional and unpredictable.
'There all clean' he smiled at him siting back in his place in the booth. Their finished their food couple of minutes later paid their check and headed back towards the car.
They got back inside and Mickey started the car. 'Put your address on the gps so I can drop you off'Mickey said and Ian took his phone.
'That fast you wanna get ride of me huh Milkovich?' Ian smirked and Mickey roiled his eyes.
'Why won't we get back to my place and just chilled out with some movie?' Ian asked moving his hand slowly to grip his thigh and smirking at him with this seductive look that Mickey got some turned on by the minute.
'Are you trying to something there Gallagher?'
'Maybe..' he leered
He quickly turned the staring wheel to his left driving fast to his place instead of Ian's.


'Fuck' Mickey moaned out loudly, he felt his orgasma building up in his stomach as Ian pound him into the mattress hard and good just how he liked it.
'Fuck Mickey' Ian yelled as he felt Mickey inner walls tightened around him as he cum hard and good.
Ian trust a few more times inside of him before he cum as well shooting his load into the condom. He then pulled out of him and flipped on the bed next to him. Their breaths were still high trying to calm themselves down Ian pulled Mickey close again kissing him hard.
In all of their time together back then they never actually kissed during or after sex so that was pretty new to them.
'Fuck my ass is going to sore now for a week' Mickey complained
'Didn't seemed to bothered you back there' Ian smirked.
'Take one to know bitch' Ian smirked.
'Yeah you do'

They lay their just enjoying each other's company, not wanting think over about the whole thing. They have reconnected after a long time apart from each other. That night Ian spend at Mickey's place cuddling through the night and waking up the next day for a quickly blowy.
Then jumped into the shower to clean off the remains of cum that was covering both of their bodies. They took turns washing each other bodies just enjoying the company.
When they both fished they pulled on their clothes from last night, Ian used his changed pair of uniforms that was in his backpack that was for a situations like that.
'Need a ride for that station of yours?' Mickey asked.
'Can you? my car is back at the station'
'Sure' he responded earning a kiss from Ian.
They entered the car after gathering all their things for the day and driving towards Ian's work place. During the ride they exchanged a casual glance and smiles listing to whatever was on the radio.
They arrived a short time after some of Ian's coworkers already there.
'So I'll see you soon?' Ian asked.
'How about tonight?'
'Works for me same time?'
'See you then' Ian grinned leaning in leaving a kiss on his lips. He then got out of the car and headed inside the station waving goodbye at him.

'So who was your friend?' Mira asked, she was a close friend to Ian since he joined the station and was actually very nice girl. 'That was my ex actually from high school' he informed putting his backpack in his locker before shutting it.
'Ex huh? Didn't seem like one to me' she smirked.
'Shut up! We met yesterday morning during one of my runs and he was like' he hummed in satisfaction.
'Hot gay Jesus'
'Hot gay Jesus'

Later that day when Ian finally had his break time. Don't him wrong he fucking loved his job. But sometimes he just needs his time off. He sat down at the employee room and pulled his lunch that he and Mickey picked on their way to work this morning. And just as he was thinking his phone beeped for a message.
Mickey: Hey red are you free right now? I gotta talk to you
Ian: Sure wanna come over here or wanna talk on the phone
Mickey: I'm coming over
Ian: See you then
Was Ian nervous to see Mickey? Not at all. Maybe. A little bit. They did promised to meet up after work. But he was curious what was some important that Mickey wanted to see at the split of a second. Not like was complaining he was just curious. Curious and nervous.
A few minutes later he heard a car pulled outside of the station and quickly jogged towards it recognize it as Mickey's.
'Hey' Ian smiled at him but ten stopping in his tracks seeing the out of breath look over Mickey's face.
'Mick are you alright?' he asked worriedly Mickey shook his head and stepped up closer towards Ian embracing him in a tough hug. Ian as always melted into his touch and smell nuzzling his head in the crock of Mickey's neck.
'I love you' Mickey shyly whispered.
Ian froze.
Mickey was never able to form this words with him in the past. Never. Barely he called them even boyfriends. But this was something else.
When Mickey noticed that Ian didn't reacted or let alone move he moved away from him looking at his eyes trying to read any sign from him. But all he could see was love.
'I love you too' he replied after a long pause.

Maybe they were a long time apart from each other, but their love, their connection, their friendship with each other and something that you can't deny or ignore.

They may have broken up in the past but somehow they managed to find their way back to each other all the time.
Fearlessly and forever.

Hot mama damn
That was so freaking cute I fucking loved this
And you all ❤️

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