Arranged Marriage

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Hi people
So as my birthday present for you all. I decided to write one of my ideas that have been laying in the back of my head for a while now, so why not get it out now huh?
'Ian come here for a second' Frank called, he was sitting in the dining room area by the desk, a newspaper to his left and his phone alongside a cup of coffee to his right. Right after Frank almost died last year because of some drunk ass lady he met to get out of her one million dollars and payment for all his medical expenses. Ian was only twenty at that time, and since then had to deal with Frank crazy ass shit trying to double his payment. 'What is Frank?' he asked, annoyed. 'What do you think about marriage?' He asked, smirking.
'Marriage, you and some blond girl from down the hall , can get a lot for you'
'I'm gay Frank'
'Even better, I can get you to one of this arrangement marriage with the Milkovich boy, Terry is looking for someone'
'Don't think he would like the idea of me marrying his son, kinda beat all the homophobic beat ass kinda of thing'
'Who cares? It's not like you're gonna bang him, are you?'
'Well..' he smirked and Frank rolled his eyes.
'It's a way way win me boy, you can have some hot boyfriend, and I-' Ian glared at him angrily.
'Am gonna be the happy father in law, that's what you gays call it, right?' Ian shook his head, anger and an annoyed feeling in his body.
'I'm not gonna marry one of the Milckovich brothers' Ian declared standing up from his place.
'Ian Ian think about it, when I say it's a way way win for both of us it is, don't you trust me?
'Fuck off Frank' Ian called walking away to the staircase.
'Wait wait, come on Ian..just meet the guy, for me? Please?' Frank bagged trying to give some sort of puppy eyes to Ian that earned him an eye roll .
'Will it get you off my back?'
'Yes' Frank responded and Ian groaned.
'Ugh fine, let me get my jacket' he called, walking away towards his bedroom to grab it. Two minutes later he was down stairs, but not to his surprise not only Frank was there also Terry Milckovich and one of his boys that looked very unpleasant from the whole situation.
'Ian! Come here' Frank called.
'Meet Mr.Milkovich and his son Mikhailo' he introduced them. Ian looked at Terry, the anger in eyes slowly building up. He then looked at the son. And the only word he for is
Hot damn
'Nice to meet you' Ian said, motioning his hand to the boy to shake it that just scoffed at him.
'Gallagher you said you got a good one for my boy? and you're just bringing this fag to him?' Terry called anger in his tone.
'Even if my son is gay, why would it matter? Your son isn't one' Frank pointed out and Terry gave another look towards the two boys.
'How much?' he asked.
'Terry, Terry, we are family now we can close it all after the wedding' Frank said, patting his shoulder and smiling, motioning him towards the door.
'How about we will let them get to know each other, and we will close the details at Patsy's?' Frank smiled, opening the door and pushing both of them out, as the door shut closed the two boys looked at each other not knowing what to say or do.
'So I guess we gotta get to know each other?' Ian asked and Mikhailo scoffed.
'This is fucking stupid! I'm leaving!' He called walking towards the door taking his jacket alongside.
'No wait Mikhailo!' Ian called running after him trying to stop him from walking away.
'Don't Mikhailo me Gallagher! You don't know shit about me,' Mikhailo called in anger.
'You're right I won't' Ian called standing in front of him. 'But if we are gonna get married for some reason, I wanna know you'
'Mickey' Mikhailo said Ian raised his eyebrows.
'Name is Mickey, Mikhailo is just some weird ass name that my dad gave me' Mickey now explained as Ian nodded.
'How about some beer Mickey?'

-A week later-
Tomorrow he is actually getting hitched Ian thought to himself. Though it wasn't his ideal marriage, it was something. He would get a hot husband, but without the sex because Mickey was 'straight as an arrow' as he said the day they met. He would get a husband that was the only thing in his mind.
Right now he was in his shared room with Lip passing between them a joint that Lip brought earlier as an 'early wedding present' but they end up smoking it together.
'Can't believe you're actually doing this' Lip said, Ian chuckled and took a drag from it before passing it back to Lip. 'I know, it's just- Mickey, he is a good guy, hot even but-' Ian started as Lip cut him off 'Not gay for you'. Ian nodded, he really wished that Mickey was secretly gay as him, but Mickey kept saying he wasnt a fag. Ian tried to think that he was just lying so that his dad wouldn't find out and make him marry a girl. But that wasn't the case he was straight and Ian would have to suck it off.
'I just wish he was.. you know?' Lip nodded in sympathy.
'Not really, but we will go with that' he smiled at his brother. He also wished that Mickey was gay because he hated seeing Ian like that. He was head over heels in love with a straight dude.
'Well, though you are marrying him, you can still bang dudes so it's a win-win situation' Lip smirked. 'I guess you're right'
He couldn't sleep that night thinking that maybe he was right. He does deserve something better, someone who would actually give him the other part of marriage as he always dreamed of.
Maybe it was all a mistake just to get Frank off his back. It was a mistake and he knew it.
It was just a way to help Mickey out of prison for almost killing someone. He doesn't really know the
Whole story, yet, he still marry the guy. Whose father is a big ass homophobe and probably him as well. With those thoughts running around his mind he woke up in the middle of the night. The sound of a rock hitting his window over and over again calling him outside. He stood up from his place and looked outside of the window. And to his surprise his future husband was there. Tears streamed down his face. And blood.
He quickly ran outside with no shoes on but a worried look on his face. 'Mickey what happened?' he asked as he reached him. Touching his face to feel him. To make sure he was really here.
'I came out to my dad' Mickey said, his tone is a whisper.
'What?' Ian asked. He didn't think that would have happened.
'You're gay?'
'Didn't thought you wouldn't notice' he chuckled.
'Wow-it just' Ian started but he got cut off by a pair of soft lips against his. He quickly pulled away after a second leaving Ian out of breath and words.
'So I guess that answered your question' Ian chuckled.
'Wait so what now?' Ian asked
'I guess we are gonna go to sleep and tomorrow we will meet at the chapel' Mickey smiled, pulling Ian close, brushing his hand through his red hair.
'Are we getting married?'
'If you want to-' now Mickey was cut off but this time by Ian's lips on his. The kiss this time stayed longer with more passion and love.
'Let's do this Milckovich'
'Damn straight Gallagher'

They got married the next day as Ian promised him. At first their life together. Was kinda messy with the whole getting to know each other. Though that, they sticked together. Mickey didn't end up in jail.
Ian and his family managed to kick off Frank but get a hold of some of his money (child support and more). They were happy (except Terry who kept trying to ruin their happiness) and didn't care how people saw them from the outside. Because they were together and that's all that matter.
Love ya all people ❤️

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