He is going to be such a good dad

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Intro: Ian is an elementary school teacher, while Mickey is a cop.
Every day they are up at six a.m.
Getting themselves ready for work. They hopped in the shower together, taking turns under the warm water.
As they finished the shower, they moved towards their bedroom to get on their clothes for the day.

Mickey bottomed his shirt as Ian smirked by the sight of his half naked man as he tried to straighten his tie.
"What?" Mickey asked, putting his gun in its case in the back of his pants.
"You look hot," Ian smirked, moving towards him looking at him from above in a mocking smile , "my little privet cop."
"Shut up; you are only ten inches above."
"But still," Ian smirked, kissing his cheek, and then moved to put on some music to start the day.

The song "Teenage Dream" by Katy Perry was playing in the background, Ian's last rehearsed song.
He was standing in the kitchen, preparing a coffee pot, as Ian stumbled into the kitchen to get their lunch ready.
"Maybe it's time out with Katy," Mickey said, moving towards the speaker to turn off the song as Ian raised his knife in the air.
"You do that, and you won't get any lunch today," Ian threatened, and Mickey raised his hands in the air, only lowering the volume a bit.
"You know I can arrest you for threatening a cop. "A specially a detective, you can spend a lot of time in prison," Mickey smirked, moving towards him in a seductive manner.
"Sue me," Ian smirked, tucking his tongue out at him before Mickey pushed him against the wall.
"You keep with that; I won't mind setting you up in a cell next to my old buddy Mitchel."
"The crack old man?! Yeah, no thanks," Ian called, moving past him to take a sip from his coffee.
"Just as I thought. You don't like Mitchel."
"It's not like I don't like him. He just scares me."
"Better than Mike?" Mickey asked, smirking and leaning against the counter.
"There is nothing more frightening than a morning, Mike. The kid is like on steroids," Ian explained as Mickey chuckled softly.

Fifteen minutes later, all of their things they needed for the day were packed, and they were on their way to work.
Mickey would first drop Ian off at work, as he was closer to their home, and then drive off to the station.

Ian entered the building at seven a.m. after saying goodbye to his husband and thanking him for the ride with a kiss, as he does every morning.
He made his way into his classroom, turning on all the lights and starting to prepare anything he needed for the day.

Half an hour later, all the kids made their way inside the classroom, saying their good mornings to Mr.Gallavich along the way.

"Good morning, class," he greeted them as they finally sat down.
"Good morning, Mr. Gallavich," they all said, grinning.
"Today we are going to have our math test that you all have been learning so much about, but I thought we could start our day with something sweet. What do you say?" He asked as they all cheered along.
He gave them each a cookie that he and Mickey had baked the previous night. And when they finished eating, they thanked Ian again.

After two hours and all the tears that were shattered during that, The kids finished their test and made their way to recess.

Half way through their break, a knock came through his door.
"Come on, kiddo," he called, thinking it was one of the kids, but was surprised to see Mickey.
"Got a minute to teach?" Mickey asked, smirking and picking his head from behind the door.
"For you? I got all the ten minutes before one of them would come crying for getting a boo-boo," Ian replied, and Mickey struck inside the room, closing the door behind him.
"So what do I own the surprise? Or whom for letting you leave for your break, what brought them down to earth to let you leave ?"
"I don't know, and I don't give a flying rat. Take out your lunch, ginger, I'm starving," he called, sitting down in the chair in front of him.

As they dug in their food that Ian had prepared carefully for them that morning, a knock came through Ian's door for the second time in the past hour.
"Who's that?"
"Mr Gallavich?" The voice of Ray came through the door. His voice was about a whisper, like he was hurt or had been crying for a while now.
Ian quickly stood up from his place and made his way towards the door to open it for the boy.
He lowered himself to Ray's height and smiled at him. "Is everything okay, Ray?" he asked as Ray shook his head. He used his palm to wipe the tears from his face.
"I-I-I felt down the slide, and-and Timothy laughed at me," he said, and Ian smiled in sympathy. "And my knee is hurting me."
"Wanna show it to me, Ray?" Ian asked, and he nodded, pulling his pants a bit on to show him his scratched knee.
"Okay, you scratch your knee, Ray, but it's not bleeding, which is good. Do you want me to get you some ice?" Ray nodded. Ian picked him up from the floor and scoped him to the counter to get an ice pack from the fridge.
Mickey smiled from the corner of his eye, seeing how gentle his husband was with the kid, which made him want a kid more with him.
Ian searched in the fridge for a few minutes, and when he didn't find any ice packs, he asked Mickey to watch the kid while he got one from the teacher's lounge.

"Who are you?" Ray asked
"My name is Mickey, and you are kid?."
"Ray," he smiled, whipping the rest of the tears off his face. "Why do you have that?" he asked, pointing to his badge that was around his neck.
"I'm a police officer. I'm working as a detective."
"Coooolll," Ray grinned, "then how do you know Mr.Gallavich?" and then asked.
"You see that?" Mickey asked, raising his ring finger, "Do you and Mr.Gallavich have the same one?"
"Ooh, like matching rings me and my friend Missy have the same ones ?" Ray asked, grinning as Mickey chuckled.
"No kiddo, me and Mr.Gallavich are actually married."
"Like my mom and dad?" he asked, confused.
"Just like them," Mickey replied.
"And wait, do you have any kids?"
"No, but maybe one day Mr. Gallavich will bring him or her to class. What do you think?" Mickey inquired, and Ray nodded, smiling and clapping his hands as Mickey smiled back at him.
What he didn't see from the outside door that wasn't a see-through stood Ian smiling at his husband's interaction with the boy.
"He is going to be the best dad."

Hi guys, and happy Tuesday to everyone! I hope you all are doing well and have a wonderful day!
I'm just over the moon as we are so close, or maybe by the time you read it to 20k readers. This is so crazy, and I can't tell you how happy I'm.
So a big ass thank you and love ya ❤️

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