You're beautiful daddy

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Introduction: Ian and Mickey first had kids, then got married.
Two years into their relationship, Ian and Mickey found themselves adopting a little girl. The little girl was 2 months old, which Ian took in during his last manic episode. Mickey didn't have the heart to bring this girl back to foster care, so she stayed with them. She looked a bit similar to both of them, with Mickey's eyes and Ian's face. They knew it wasn't possible, but who knows? Maybe she had their blood. But they fall for her anyway, blood or not. The little girl was named Riley and was a true sweetheart. She was their little prince that everyone loved. When the girl was two years old, Ian proposed to Mickey, of course, with the help of their little girl. That was over the moon when Ian put the ring over Mickey's finger as she jumped and ran towards them, hugging them tightly.
A year later, it was finally their wedding day. They agreed (with Mandy's stubbornness) to stay away from each other for the night. Mickey stayed at their house with Rylie. Ian spent the night at his childhood home with his siblings.
They both woke up that morning with excitement and a smile plastered over their faces. Their suit was hanging on their bedroom door, ready to be dressed.
Back at home, Mickey was getting up from their bed, trying to find the little toddler that usually sleeps in their bed. His phone beeped, ready to hit him with his dad's bullshit for marrying a man. especially a Gallagher one. He saw a message from Mandy.

Mandy: Don't look for Rylie this morning. I took her with me to the salon to get a read. We should be done around 2.

He chuckled softly and smiled. He knows how excited Rylie is for this day, and with Mandy taking her to the salon, she would be over the moon.
Meanwhile, Ian stood up from his bed at home.
"Morning," Lip said, and he smiled back.
"Excited for the day?"
"You know I'm."
They both got there in no time and made their way to the wedding venue for their photoshoot. Ian was the first one to arrive, as Mickey was running late by a minute. Upon entering the venue, he saw his little red waiting for him with a smile plastered over his face and a breathless look. As they slowly made their way towards each other, Rylie jumped behind Mickey, running two steps, and Ina yelled his name.
"Daddy!" she called. Ian chuckled softly and picked up the little girl from the floor. She was dressed in a puffy white dress with a crown over the top of her head and glitter all over her face. Her long, curly hair was combed back, wanting to get free.
Then, as he held her in his arms, she moved her gaze towards her other dad. That was now moving towards his little piece of happiness. A smile crossed his face as the photographer captured those moments of the little family together. Mickey moved towards the duo, kissing both of their cheeks.
"Dad, you look beautiful." She smiled, and he chucked.
"Well, thank you, princess; you look good yourself," he replied, moving behind them to kiss Ian's lips briefly as they both smiled.
"Well, she is right, you are beautiful, Mick," Ian smirked, causing Mickey to blush slightly.
"You're a dick."
"Never bothered you before," he replied, smiling at the man in front of him as Rylie giggled next to them. She was not too sure what was going on, but she smiled anyway.
As they continued to take photos together and singly, the little girl kept calling her dads beautiful, taking them both by surprise every time.
Ugh I'd give everything to see them with kids they would be so damn adorable together
Love ya ❤️

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