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Promote: Ian and Mickey are both known actresses that happened to play a couple on tv and only on tv ;)
'Gallagher, Milckovich' Adam the director called a head from his office getting both of the boys' attention from their late interest. They both quickly stumbled their way towards the older man laughing on the way from some joke one of their co-stars told. As they stood in front of the man he opened his mouth again to speak up.
'You know how both of your characters have this chemistry behind them that the audience at home like and so is us.. so we thought about maybe getting them finally together, what do you think?' he asked. Both of the boys looking over each other in conflicted stare not knowing what to say and think. They have been getting close to one another and grew to like the other (in a friendly way not a sexual way) and adding all of that to their characters was kinda weird for the two.
'Yeah sure, if you think it will be good for the show' Ian nodded along, Mickey currently didn't expect that from the redhead boy. So he decided to just go along with him.
'Okay awesome!' Adam squillied moving his hand and taking two stocks of papers and pushing to their hands.
'So, how about you two work on this scene and see how it works out?' he suggested as the two nodded and walked away. 'I can't believe we just agreed to play that' Mickey spoked first as they entered the room Adam told them to go too.
'Me too, didn't think that this would happen between them'
They opened their papers and scammed through the scene. 'Fuck man we gotta kiss in the end' Mickey called pointing at a in the text where Mickey's character kisses Ian's.
'Really? that fast?' he asked, looking over Mickey.
'I guess so,' Mickey shrugged.
They both start to read through the scene until they manage to remember it by hard.
'You ready?' Ian asked looking over Mickey that nodded they moved away from each other and stood in their places.

Mickey = Kai
Ian= Matthew

Kai was sitting on the stage in the audition taking study breaths in and out his mind was full of thought not wanting to give him a rest, he laid back on the cold floor and sighs. The door opened as he heard footsteps coming his way.

Matthew: Kai? you here?

Kai sat back in his place and called out towards Matthew

Kai: I'm here

Matthew walked closer to Kai noticed him sitting down and sat by his side.

Matthew: Are you alright? You kinda ran off in the middle after flipping Amy over
Kai: Well she is a bitch-so she kinda deserved it

Matthew chuckled, looking back at Kai hoping he will get a better look of his face like that

Matthew: Everyone is worried about you Tk, they didn't want you to quit you're part of this family
Kai: Family? Huh? I don't like any of this people inside, all bunch of noisy asses that just want to get the perfect solo all the damn time

Matthew chuckled smiling over Kai

Matthew: So am I one of those noisy asses people?
Kai: Na, you're one of the good ones

Matthew smiled, blushing a bit moving a little bit closer to Kai

Kai: I'm tolerating you since the moment I saw you
Matthew: Well with that I tolerating you too, even when you're being a total jerk

Kai looked at him his eyes wide

Kai: I'm not a jerk
Matthew: yeah right like I'm straight

Matthew quickly shut his mouth, he have known Kai to being homophobic and was now terrified for his dear life

Kai: You're gay?

My soul mate- Gallavich one shot :)Where stories live. Discover now