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After a long journey we arrive at the Royal Navy headquarters and I disembark from the Queen Elizabeth battleship and walk with my predecessor and Hood, additionally we are flanked by Norfolk and Suffolk.

During the trip to the base I showed them how my ship really is so the girls won't be surprised and Hood recommended that I not summon my ship because since I am unknown here, they could mistake me for the enemy and my identity will be kept in secret at the moment, plus I am classified by the Royal Navy as a secret weapon and that is why I am secret and that is why the battleship anchored in a port very far from the main port.

Walking through the port we saw a woman who looked like a king, there is no doubt that she is King George V and the older sister of Prince of Wales.

QE: Hi George!

If I remember correctly George is the king of the Royal Navy (noble title) and she is also the leader of the main knights of the Royal Navy army, on the other hand, Warspite is the leader of the knights of the royal family, well, I got that from the Queen Orders manga.

George: Hello my Sweet honey.

QE: Hey!

George: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but it's fun to bother you, (starts when she sees me) What did you...? That!? I'm drunk? Why am I seeing two My Sweet honey?

QE: (Sarcasm) Dear, this is not the right place to discuss, that, let's go to my office.

George: (Confused) Uh, yeah.

So we walk through the headquarters and then we get to the queen's office and when we walk in it's completely shut down which makes George swallow hard at the seriousness of the thing.

George: What's up? Why was this place isolated? What secret thing are you going to reveal to me?

QE: For starters, that woman who looks identical to me is... How do I explain it to you? She's my future self... it's not like telling my successor that she came from another world, she's like my daughter from the future or something.

George: (Shock) Whaaaah!? Are you talking seriously!? A kansen from another world? Many R&D hypotheses are given, but seeing it with my own eyes is...shocking.

QE: Needless to say, I almost killed her for the confusion.

Me: (shock) You wanted to kill me!? Doesn't that seem very aggressive?

QE: It was because of the confusion, you have those planes that are too futuristic that anyone gets confused, I had never seen an F-35 in my life, also with the name Lightning II? I barely know the P-38 Lightning.

George: Well, well, what else do you know?

Me: I was during a storm where I was doing coastal patrols and then I was here, then I saw Bismark and Hood breaking up in a bunch and I used my planes to stop the fight, I thought they were doing naval exercises until I saw they were using projectiles real and that's why I intervened.

Qe: Hey, language.

Me what?

George: For a futuristic version of the queen, you're very vulgar.

Me: Ah, I'm so sorry, but... when you spend a lot of time with the military and commanders for years... you end up getting the slang virus.

QE: Well, but be careful, we have a very refined culture here and we don't tolerate slang, although there is no punishment for speaking badly, the problem would be that everyone would look at you ugly, so be careful.

Me: I'll keep that in mind and thanks for the warning.

QE: (smiles) It's better that way.

George: What would we call you? We cannot call you after your majesty or Miss Elizabeth or Elizabeth as you would be mistaken for the queen.

Me: Call me Liz, after Elizabeth.

George: Fine, then it will be Liz.

QE: Well, for starters, we had a close call with the Bismarck fleet, even though she clings to the fact that the international sea that the treaty of 10 years ago stipulates is her territorial sea.

George: Well, let her be, that sea has nothing to do with us, we don't want a war against them.

QE: But our freighters are expelled from that area and cannot navigate to transport resources. Don't you know the complaints I get from maritime companies? The U-boats emerge and they forces them to make a detour to get out of that area.

George: You are lucky that all the operations near those waters have not ended in war, let them be, we don't have time to look for fights against them, we have another problem more serious than that.

QE: I know, it's the Sakura empire. Those bastards, they won't leave me alone too, why did they suddenly break diplomatic relations against all the countries of Azur Lane? That's what I do not understand. I would like to send spies, but all competent spies are in Iron Blood, what can I do?

Me: (Huh? At what point did everything become so critical? Is it okay for me to listen to all this?)

George: What if we send Sheffy?

QE: She is hers works as her maid and I don't think she can send her now, we are very far from her and also there is no decent partner for her to work with.

Me: Excuse me...

QE: Yes? Ah, sorry, she had forgotten about you.

Me: (crying) How cruel you are, how can you tell me that?

George: (What the hell? At what point was she here? Oh, I remember, the conversation was about her... And at what point did it turn into another topic?)

QE: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, but things are serious, I know, what do you think if I assign you a maid to walk you around the base so you can familiarize yourself with this place while I discuss matters most important with my partner?

Me: Thank you very much.

In that I see QE pick up an old style phone while she calls someone and explains about me, that took her a long time and then she hangs up the phone.

QE: Well, in a few minutes a cruise ship called HMS Belfast will assist you with your tour, for now wait for her outside the office.

Me: I am fine.

So I walk out of the queen's offices and wait patiently in the hallway.


QE sees Liz leave the room and then she sighs.

QE: At what point did we forget about her?

George: I don't know, we were talking about her and out of nowhere she became the subject of Iron Blood.

QE: You're right.

George: It's like she slips out of our perception and becomes invisible to our senses, if I don't see her I lose sight of her.

QE: But mate, we've hit the jackpot, she's a technological beauty from 70+ years in the future.

George: REALLY?

QE: Yes, friend.

Then the queen begins to tell him everything about her successor.

TO BE CONTINUE..................................

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