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Queen Queen Elizabeth receives an incoming communication from Wales.

QE: What!? That!? The Sakura Empire has attacked the Azur Lane base and declared war on us!? This is serious!?

Warspite: Sister, you're screaming.

Wales: [Indeed your majesty, the Sakura empire attacked us, the fleet was mostly made up of mass-produced siren ships and the attack was led by the first aircraft carrier division.

QE: (Sighing and sitting up) My God I can't believe it, Red Axis controlling mass production siren ships. [What else?]

Wales: [Fortunately Enterprise helped us a lot in the defense of the base so the damage is only limited in the port and part of the academy, the fleet stationed here is not weak as well, they did what they could to minimize the damage ]

QE: [I see, that's good to hear]

Wales: [The base is currently surveying the damage and rescuing incapacitated female sailors at sea.]

QE: [I understand]

Wales: [By the way, it's about that new ship that joined us recently.]

QE: [Ah, she, actually she is a splendid state-of-the-art aircraft carrier, you will be surprised to see her, she currently she is as a diplomat in Vicha Dominion.

Wales: [Isn't that dangerous? It is a country in the Red Axis alliance after all]

QE: [Vicha Dominion is a peaceful country that doesn't want to get involved in any dispute, but Iron Blood is intimidating them right now, so that carrier along with Formidable are there to spread terror]

Wales: [Do you think it will work?]

QE: [I don't know, if they attack they will be in for a nasty surprise. The last report says that they were attacked by a mass production siren fleet, apart from that it seems that Iron Blood has ceased their actions and they are moving more cautiously than they should, currently they are just a simple observer, it seems that she saw that the new one is a threat to their plans]

Wales: [I see]

Then the girls say goodbye and Queen hangs up the phone.

Warspite: What's up sister?

QE: We have a problem... no... we have a lot of problems.

Hood: Could she share her regret?

QE: Iron Blood and Sakura Empire have unified into an alliance and have attacked the... no, Sakura Empire has attacked the base and declared war on us.

Warspite: That is definitely bad, we are in a crisis in the war against the siren and now waging a parallel war with the Sakura Empire, it will be very difficult for us to deal with.

QE: So then we have no choice but to summon our most powerful card and finish this as quickly as possible.

Hood: Won't you think of her?

QE: I see that you know what I think, my friend... if we are going to invoke it for our conflict.

Hood: But you know we have to leave a fleet at Vicha Dominion.

QE: We're just going to summon Lisbeth here, by herself and here we're going to designate another fleet for her.

Warspite: In that case I have no objection.

Belfast: Sorry to be a killjoy, but I recommend not relying on her totally.

QE: Don't worry, for that we have Enterprise behind us, she is the most powerful warrior in her country, she could easily fight Bismark, with the two of them we will be invincible.

Sheffy: That's what my daughter said and she end sunk.

QE: Did you say something?

Sheffy: No, I didn't say anything.

Edinburg: (whispers) That will happen in the future in Falkland Island, there is still a long way to go for that.

Sheffy: I didn't say anything.


I am lying in my bed in the cabin of the captain of my ship, it is my third night here and in my hands is my mental cube, I look at it and analyze it, recently the news reached my antennas that the Sakura empire attacked the base in Pearl Harbor, I guess some things never change.

Me: We're human-shaped weapons, huh?...the mind's defined as an unknown crystalline substance that brought humanity through the battles against the sirens, the mind cubes are the base on which we are created imbued with the power to fight against the siren, that is the power of ships, the power to conquer the seas and defeat the siren, with that power humanity was able to reclaim the seas, but in search of more power It seems that humanity has been divided in two.

Red Axis: An alliance formed by the Sakura Empire and Iron Blood wished to seize the power of the sirens and led a revolt against Azur Lane and it seems that now they did, huh?

Me: Wow, wow, the surprises never end, even when we face a common threat, the conflict between humans never ends. Humans are idiots.


Me: (Answering the phone) [Yes, yes, this is HMS Queen Elizabeth, what's wrong?]

QE: [Hello daughter!]

Me: [Mother? What's up, why are you calling me at this hour? It's past 2200 hours]

QE: [I'm so sorry for calling you, but it's important, the Sakura empire has declared war on us so I'm calling you to give you new orders]

Me: [Which ones?]

QE: [We are transferring you to Pearl Harbor to end this war as quickly as possible]

Me: [Transfer? Me and my fleet?]

QE: [No, just you, you will come to Pearl Harbor alone, I think that using one of your planes you would be here in a short time, right?]

Me: [Yes I would, but... What about them?]

QE: [Don't worry, Formidable will take care of everything.]

Me: [And my maid?]

QE: [She will come with you]

Me: [Who will replace her?]

QE: [As we speak HMS Neptune will replace her, additionally Indomitable will go to replace you as carrier, I'll discuss the matter with Formidable later so don't worry.]

Me: [Okay, when do I transfer?]

QE: [Tomorrow morning, so it's night where you are, so rest up, my darling]

Me: [Thank you, say hi to Aunt Warspite for me.]

QE: [I will]

After saying goodbye, I hang up the phone.

Me: Wow, it seems that the situation is not good after that for them to need me on the front lines.

So I put the mental cube inside my chest and turn off the lights to go to sleep.

Me: Good night to me.

Then I lie down on the bed and close my eyes.

TO BE CONTINUE.............................

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now