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Meanwhile in the Azur Lane fleet on the aircraft carrier in the hangar Wales is very surprised by what they see, a plane that is impossible for any aircraft carrier in the world to deploy: a TU-160M supersonic heavy bomber.

Wales: Liz, what is this thing?

Me: It is a TU-160M heavy bomber of Russian origin, I acquired it from Russia after helping them on a mission, since they had no way to pay me they gave me this thing and since I am not USS Enterprise CVN-80, RF Shtorm, CN Type 04 or JS Zuikaku DDA-1. I haven't had a chance to use it until now. (Actually I acquired the bomber in a battle pass that I don't remember when and this story is only invented to give a better context)

Wales: I'm just speechless.

Me: Hm?

Wales: What's wrong?

Me: Bad news, we won't be able to use this baby anymore, the Red Axis advanced fleet has already engaged in combat with the Orochi fleet, one of my planes has found the enemy fleet.

Wales: But you can do a heavy bombing, right?

Me: (Thoughtful) Yes, but the real reason I brought her was because...

Just then the belly of the bomber opens and reveals a bomb.

Me: This is why.

Wales: A big bomb?

Me: Yes, this bomb has the same firepower as the weapon the sirens used to devastate that uninhabited island.

Wales: (Scared) Oi, oi, why would you want to use such a thing?

Me: To finish everything very quickly, right? (Damn, now I wish I could trade it for the B-1B Lancer, but I can't anymore because we're at sea)

Wales: Anyway, unfold it, I'll send a message to all the girls not to be scared, any advantage is welcome.

Me: Understood.

Then Wales warns that Liz was going to deploy a plane with a very strange appearance and that she should not be shot down by accident and after a few minutes the bomber was already on the deck ready to take off, I know this sounds strange, but since it is a ship from a video game , well you know what happens with logic.

The bomber begins its takeoff run and when it gets on the ramp the bomber takes off without problems. Ayanami sees that gigantic plane, very surprised to see how it takes off from an aircraft carrier.

Ayanami: Sugoi.

Just then Javelin, Laffey and Unicorn approach her.

Laffey: Don't worry.

Javelin: It'll be okay, we can do this.

Unicorn: Yuu-chan will protect us too.

Ayanami, sensing the girls' generosity, feels safe and happy. In the distance, Illustrious can see her disciple who has matured a lot and she feels happy as a teacher.

Meanwhile the bomber flies at full speed towards the target, the interceptors had already shot down some enemy planes helping the Red Axis fleet fight against the Orochi fleet.

The P-125s shot down enemy aircraft from outside the enemy's visual range and enemy radar, when their ammunition ran out they returned to the carrier and passed over the carrier to reload weapons and then returned to the battlefield to continue their mission.

The heavy bomber arrived at its bombing point and prepared to attack, the bomber's hatches opened and began to drop its bombs on Orochi, the bombs were aimed at the bow of the ship since it had been assumed that the nuclear bombs were aft due to to the photos analyzed above.

The bombs fell gliding towards their target.

Orochi: What is that? Bombs? As? Where?

Because the bomber was flying at a high altitude invisible to any eye and radar of this time Orochi would have no chance of knowing it, Orochi tried to turn to avoid the bombing, but it was too late.

Orochi: Akagi! Get out of there!

Akagi: Yes my sister!

Akagi under the effects of the siren's hypnosis, she retreats from the danger zone just in time when the bombs hit Orochi, the bombs exploded on Orochi's foredeck doing a lot of severe damage and also managed to incapacitate the cannons of Orochi. bow, although the cannons could still operate, the problem is that they cannot aim and now they were pointed at the sky so they can only fire anti-aircraft shots at a single position.

Some bombs managed to penetrate the chimneys and central part of the ship, damaging some anti-aircraft weapons and the flight deck, some of Orochi's boilers were also destroyed when the bombs went through the chimney, causing the ship to lose power and have to stop for repairs.

Orochi: Tch, you can't believe that some bombs managed to damage me to such a point of incapacitation, damn it, we're just starting the fight, how could such a thing happen?

Meanwhile, the Azur Lane fleet was already very close to the conflict zone.

Me: Wales, bomber report, we have done great damage to the enemy, it will take a lot for the enemy to recover, I have immobilized the enemy colossus.

Wales: Good job! Now that that colossus is no longer able to mobilize, it will no longer approach the base to get into firing range.

Me: Yes, in my world only cruise missiles are capable of being carried on ships and intercontinental missiles are only deployed on submarines and from land.

Wales: As we are thousands of miles from home, so the enemy can't do anything at the moment.

At that time some explosions were heard coming from the sky, they were the enemy's anti-aircraft shots and the fierce combat of the Sakura empire.

Me: Well Wales, we are in range to give you a menu of gunpowder and lead.

Wales: (giggles) I see that you still maintain your somewhat vulgar language, but that's your charm, well, now the good thing is coming.

Meanwhile the other girls were surprised by the sounds of explosions and smoke that they see coming out of Orochi.

Sandy: What? What's happening?

Cleveland: Maybe Red Axis has incapacitated Orochi?

Hornet: No, maybe her majesty's daughter did it. Do you remember that white heavy bomber that took off from her aircraft carrier?

Cleveland: Oh, that must have been it. But it seems that Red Axis has started the battle without us.

Hornet: (Excited) Well, let's go!

TO BE CONTINUE................................

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now