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In the empire Sakura Takao is training with her sword, she has her eyes closed as she waits, the wind gently caresses her body and as soon as a flower petal passes in front of her, she opens her eyes and draws her sword and cuts the petal In two perfect halves, she is a little surprised when behind her she hears applause, when she turns around she sees Zuikaku who applauds her for the use of her sword.

Zuikaku: I see you always train hard, Takao.

Takao: I see you're back, Zuikaku.

Zuikaku: (Somewhat sad) Yes... but I can't say that I did it well.

Takao: I see, I just finished my training, do you want to accompany me?

Zuikaku nods and accompanies Takao to walk there, they walk along various roads of the empire, managing to show the beautiful landscape of this place until they arrived near a cliff where they could see the entire base and the sea.

There Zuikaku began to talk about his concerns.

Zuikaku: I had no chance against Gray Ghost and I can't stay like this, I have to be stronger to protect my sister and the others...

At that Takao tries to cheer up her friend a little by patting her shoulder, but she doesn't control her strength and ends up hitting very hard and Zuikaku ends up stumbling a little and she looks at Takao in pain and upset.

Takao: Oh I'm sorry... I may have hit too hard.

Zuikaku: (Complaints of pain)

Takao: The point is that you shouldn't take all the responsibility, you should also trust us, at least a little more (Offers her hand) We are friends, right?

Zuikaku feels moved by Takao's words so she grabs Takao's hand and Takao helps her up, Zuikaku already feels better and smiles for the psychological help of her friend.

Meanwhile at the port Liz and Dido are investigating the logistics of the empire and Liz finds it very suspicious that the place is full of resources more than normal.

Me: Why so many resources? (With this you could build two Yamato class battleships, but in my research the Musashi and the Yamato are in Truk for the empire's rolling defense operation to safeguard their resources that they exploit in the Philippines and Korea. Are they trying to build two more battleships? ?) Dido, what do you think?

Dido: I don't know, we haven't really been able to gather much information, we're just waiting for Sirius and Sheffy to do the job.

Me: I bet so, we are incompetent at this job.

Dido: Yes, you are very right, why did you choose me for this?

Me: You look more competent than Edinburgh.

Dido: You're right.

Me: Oh look there, we have Shiranui there, I think she is the port manager.

Dido: You're right.

Me: How about we get some information out of her?

Dido: How?

Me: Let's improvise now. Stay hidden here.

Dido: Okay.

So Liz approaches Shiranui and starts speaking in Japanese to avoid raising suspicions.

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