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Me: HAHAHAHA, How stupid are the girls of the Sakura empire!

Sirius: HAHAHAHAHA, You're right.

Akashi: Yes, they have no scruples about doing this kind of thing.

I know you don't understand what's happening right now, what's happening is that we are in a stealth war with the enemy fleet that is chasing us, using my planes I make the enemy get distracted and waste resources and fuel, my drone flies near the enemy fleet and I can see the annoyed face of Kaga and Akagi who directs the operation in person, they deny every time their planes lose track of us and we see everything and laugh at every failure of the enemy fleet.

While we watch the video from the flight deck of my aircraft carrier and drink tea sitting at a tea party table I now talk to Akashi

Me: And? What happened Akashi?

Akashi: I still haven't fully processed it.

Sheffy: We seized this mental cube from the enemy, this is what Akagi had in her hands when she activated Orochi.

At that point, a black mental cube is left on the table and I am surprised, I think I had seen this thing somewhere in the anime, but since I haven't seen it in years, I don't remember anything about the plot, I only have vague memories of the anime.

Me: Well Akashi, can you explain to me what that is?

Akashi: I really don't know.

Me: Even though it's the empire's secret weapon?

Akashi: What do you say? I'm just a repair and logistics ship, I don't know anything about that.

Me: (Annoyance) You said you knew many things, either you start talking about what you promised or you overboard the ship.

Akashi: I'm sorry! But I was just desperate and wanted to save my life! The only thing I know is that I was walking absentmindedly near the port while talking to my meowffiser and then when I realized I was in the empire's secret shipyard, I saw Akagi talking to a high-ranking siren and she activated Orochi for a few seconds and Then he gave her that black mental cube that you have in your hands, then Kaga caught me and I was captured by the siren and when they were about to execute me for knowing too much, her friends came and saved my life. The rest is history.

Me: Is that true?

Sheffy: Until our arrival you can say that yes, we saved her from being executed, our job was to take the cube from them when she was distracted, but Akagi always had it in her hands, so this was the only way we had to take the cube.

Me: I see, I think that was enough games with the enemy, we retreated home, I will send a message to the base that we are returning.

Sheffy: Okay.

So I send a message to the base that we are back.


Meanwhile at the base London receives the message and she runs to Wales' office to report, after knocking on the door and receiving authorization to enter she enters and begins to report.

London: Your Majesty, I have received a message from Liz.

Wales: What? What does she say?

London: The mission had a setback so we had to escape, we have some interesting things with us and she asks us for political asylum from a kansen of the empire who is persecuted for discovering something that she should not have discovered.

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now