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Without knowing it I was in the middle of the ocean, I didn't remember why I am here or how I got here, I only know that I am here, without any type of memory, I don't remember who I am and my head hurts to the point that I think it is about to explode, I can't see well, my breathing is going a thousand miles per hour, my heart feels like it is about to explode and I feel dizzy, I instinctively navigate standing up in this calm sea, after sailing I stumble and fall face first into the sea, I tried to get up , but it was impossible, I felt that my whole body was completely numb, when I was able to detect that someone was in front of me at a short distance, with difficulty and with a lot of willpower I raised my head to see the person, that's when I saw To an albino woman who wears a white shirt, with a black skirt, on top of her clothes she has a very worn black cape, I quickly asked for help with such a thin, weak and harsh voice.

Me: Help me, I don't feel well.

The woman looks at me, but she doesn't do anything, I begged her for help, but she didn't do anything for me, then she looks at me with such a cold expression that it seemed like she could kill me with her look.

Enterprise?: Humanity set sail for the oceans with adventure in their hearts...

Me: Don't talk, help me please.

The woman ignored me and continued talking.

Enterprise?: But soon, that heart was filled with a different desire, that of conquering the seas.

That's when I got scared when the whole sea was filled with fire, fire on the sea and the fire came towards me and I started to burn with this infernal fire, I felt a lot of pain and I burned, I rolled around the sea trying in vain to put out the fire, I screamed in pain, I cried because of the burns on my body and I asked the woman who kept talking like an emotionless psychopath for help.

Enterprise?: The history of the ocean is full of war... Conflict! That is the true desire of humanity (Psychopathic laughter) That is the true drama that humanity longs for.

Me: You're sick!

Faced with those words of scream of fury and my agony, I was surprised when the whole place was filled with cherry petals and Lycoris flowers, it is the symbol of death, I hope it is not mine, but the way things were going it is possible that I whoever dies here.

At that another headache invades me and my memories are returned while the Alvin woman that I now recognize is Ash, a version of Enterprise META, she laughs in a very sick way, there was no doubt that she has been corrupted by the siren

Me: (Suffering) Damn whore...

I prepared to fight even though I was aware that it was impossible for me to win with these mortal wounds that I have, in that Ash is wrapped with cherry petals and then when the petals dissolve it reveals Amagi, but I realized that she It's a copy of her since the real Amagi would never smile like that.

Me: You are different...

Orochi: Hmm?

Me: This appearance of yours and the previous one, they are all false, you are an imposter. Your true appearance is much more horrendous and cruel.

Orochi: You are wrong, your otherworldly majesty, in truth I am real, because I am a mirror that reflects the will of humanity... fufufu.

Me: (Annoyance) How do you know I'm from another world?

Orochi: It is because of the mental cube that you stole from the Sakura empire, thanks to that I was able to analyze all the kansen in your base and thanks to that I have stolen the best technology from each of you.

Me: (Realizing) Son of a bitch.

Orochi: I have seen many things about you, your majesty, I will take care of using your weapons against you... fufufu.

Me: Damn bitch!

Orochi: My name is Orochi, I am a monster born from the will of humanity!

At that point everything was covered in fire and I began to lose consciousness.


Me: (Waking up) AAAHHHHHHHH!

I woke up quickly from bed while my whole body is sweaty and very wet with sweat, my breathing is going at 1000 per second and I was very upset, I tried to breathe to calm down, but it was useless.

I extend my hand to summon a bottle of beer that I bought recently and I drank it all in one, I don't know if it's because of the alcohol or because the taste is very good, but that calmed me down a lot.

Me: This is bad, if that dream was a premonition, then this is bad.

I wake up and look at the clock, I had fallen asleep since it's after 0700 hours, but I'm surprised that Sirius hasn't come to wake me up. Has she fallen asleep too?

So I take off my wet pajamas and get into the shower to freshen up and after getting dressed I leave my room to go to the Wales office, when I left towards the base headquarters I was surprised to see that Belfast was dragging Enterprise and dragged her by the neck. Belfast seemed very angry and Enterprise cried for mercy.

Me: What the hell happened? NO! Don't get distracted, it's time to go with Wales right now.

I run quickly when I almost collide with London.

Me: (dodging London) Woa.

London: (Somewhat annoyed) Be careful, your majesty, you must not run through the corridors, have some etiquette.

Me: Excuse me, what happened to Sirius? I haven't seen her anywhere.

London: Oh, that, she has reported by phone that she is very sick, it seems that the food she ate last night was very bad for her and she is in the hospital now.

Me: I understand... this, no... Do you know if Wales is in her office yet? I have something very urgent to talk to her about.

London: Huh? She is in her office, but right now she is talking on the phone with her older sister.

Me: London, please, no matter what, keep the black cube very safe, someone might try to pick it up.

London: Huh?

Me: Just make sure the enemy doesn't take it, I will try to talk to Wales for her immediate destruction.

London: (Confused) Okay.

So I quickly ran to Wales' office.


Meanwhile, without anyone noticing, Purifier looks at the Pearl Harbor base and yawns.

Purifier: I guess it's time to act.

TO BE CONTINUE..................................

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