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Meanwhile in the sea almost near the empire, there is an early warning fleet led by Eagle Union submarines, they stayed here to detect the empire if they decide to abandon their base to attack Eagle Union.

One of the submarines patrolling near the Philippines is on her routine daily patrol, she is Dace.

Dace: Today will surely be a calm day and at the end I will just report that it was another calm day.

At that point, she picks up a fairly powerful explosion on her sonar, so she looks around, but doesn't see anything important. At that point, she sees a powerful rush that catches her with no option to avoid it and she is sent several meters back by the powerful explosion. current, she was scared because she had lost complete control of her rig and it was spinning uncontrollably while she was holding on with all her strength to her rig, then when everything calmed down she quickly surfaced and when she surfaces...

Dace: (Shock) What the hell!?

She could see a gigantic explosion on the horizon, the light was so powerful that it was blinding like the sun.

Then Dace would take many photos of the explosion and then approached the island to take many photos of the result of the explosion, because Dace has protection from the kansen, she did not have radiation poisoning since her resistance is the same as a ship. of war, so she then sailed in retreat to the base to report to her superiors.

Several days later.

At the base when Wales learned of this situation, she organized an emergency meeting to discuss this very sensitive issue. Liz also attended the meeting, who had already recovered from her injuries from the battle to defend the base.

So after giving a little context, Wales put the report prepared by Dace on the table and everyone began to look at the report, the first to read was Cleveland, when she read the report she was surprised to see the photos of the explosion and the result after the explosion.

Cleveland: (Surprised) What the hell is this?

Hornet: Surely it must be an act of the sirens.

Cleveland: But why attack an uninhabited island with no strategic value?

Me: It was obvious that they were testing that weapon, the situation is very serious, they have nuclear weapons and powerful ones, it is obvious that it is a nuclear missile.

Wales: Nuclear missile?

Me: (Worried) Yes, in my world there are weapons of that type. Our countries have thousands of these warheads on the order of the day, they are capable of flying great distances and annihilating an entire city using a single projectile.

Wales: (Concerned) A projectile to annihilate a city?

Me: Yes, thanks to Dace's description I have deduced that the enemy had to steal my technology.

Wales: You say that? Did you have a weapon like that inside you?

Me: Unfortunately yes, all my planes have the capacity to carry such a weapon.

Enterprise: (scared) Why did you have such a weapon hidden from us!?

Me: What would I know? By now I thought that Eagle Union already had a weapon of that type and that it is "top secret" so I didn't say anything, as in my world at this time the United States had Little Boy existed and it was secret government information, also In my world, using these weapons is my daily bread, remember where I come from we were at war and I fought every day.

Hornet: Sister, calm down, remember that she comes from the future, it is obvious that for our good she has had to keep many things to herself.

Enterprise calms down, her little sister is very right.

Enterprise: Sorry, I got a little upset.

Hornet: What matters is that that thing is dangerous to the world, if they use that thing here Boom! We don't have a chance.

Me: You have to be careful, remember that there could be a variant to be used against fleets.

Wales: That could be the worst possible scenario.

Enterprise: Then we couldn't get close to that thing...

Me: The world is crazy sometimes, the USSR had a supersonic torpedo with the same capacity.

Wales: (Sigh) Stop saying that I don't understand any of that, for the moment we have to focus on this new siren weapon.

At that Helena puts another photo on the table.

Helena: I don't know if it's related, but intelligence has sent information that a few days ago after the bombing of the island, a gigantic siren ship has left the port of the Sakura empire.

The photo reveals Orochi sailing surrounded by several siren ships, Sheffy and Edinburg recognize the ship.

Edinburgh: That ship...

Sheffy: Yes, it's the same one we saw in the secret shipyard of the Sakura empire.

Hood: (Looking at the ship) So this is Orochi. What a malevolent presence.

Wales: The port of the Sakura empire was severely damaged by Orochi, this must be an unexpected event for Red Axis.

Illustrious: In the end Red Axis and we have been tricked by the sirens.

Enterprise: No... We have not done anything, we have not achieved anything, it has only started now and we are going to destroy what the sirens are planning, we must not allow them to get away with it, we are not going to play in their games.

Belfast: You are right, this is no longer just an Azur Lane problem, it is a global problem, Orochi is a worldwide threat.

QE: I'm going to pull some strings, we always clean up any humiliation received, that's how we do it in the Royal Navy.

Hornet: And our style is revenge.

Enterprise: Let's fight them, if we fall, we will do so with honor.

Wales: Well, prepare for the final combat, we will organize an advance fleet to buy time so that everything goes smoothly.

Enterprise: I understand, I entrust you with command of the fleet.

Wales: Leave it to me.

QE: I'm going to make some calls, Daughter, I entrust you with command of our nation's advance fleet.

Me: Understood. We'll give them a big beating, don't worry.

Wales: Now we will move on to the strategy meeting.

The girls nodded and a little strategy session began.

Wales: According to the report, the last time seen the whereabouts of Orochi was the coordinates ***** 400 km east of the empire, so the enemy may be in these areas, we need a scout to find the enemy.

Me: I could take care of that matter.

Wales: Then we're counting on you.

Me: Don't worry, I can also ensure that the enemy does not find our fleet, I can make the entire allied fleet invisible in case the enemy has nuclear weapons for naval use.

Wales: That sounds very convenient, thank you.

And after some coordination the meeting ended almost quickly, all the girls have very high morale and a great sense of defending the world against such a threat of catastrophic levels.

TO BE CONTINUE...........................

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