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When I wake up, I am surprised that I was not in my bed, I was in the ocean at night, around me I can only see listed, sunken or burning ships, the sea is also covered in flames from the oil and spilled oil.

Me: (Total confusion) What? Where I am? I was in bed.

On one side I see someone, when I zoom in on that place I see a person... no, a woman wearing a worn cape and her rig is an aircraft carrier, she carries several corpses of high-ranking sirens and the Piles in one place making a mound of siren corpses.

I approach the woman and she seems to notice me because she turns her head and looks at me out of the corner of her eye and then gets up even with her back turned to me.

Me: Excuse me, I don't know where I am, but I want to get out of this place. Where is the exit?

???: War...

Me: (Confusion) War?

At that she turns around and I see her face surprising me, she is Enterprise, but her face does not indicate kindness but hostility and bloodlust, this girl is not Enterprise so I get on alert and activate all my passive defense systems and active.

Enterprise?: I repeat, through time, over every ocean, I continue fighting, an endless war, this ocean wrapped in flames... it is my true Crimson Lane, soon it will be for all of you as well.

At that point she shows me the black mental cube that I saw at the meeting, I try to get away, but the cube glows and then I wake up very startled, breathing heavily.

Me: Was it a dream? What the hell was that?

I look at my surroundings and see that it hasn't dawned yet, it was a nightmare, I look at the clock to realize that there is an hour left until dawn, I guess I'm going to breathe clean air to clear my mind, so I go to the laundry room and wash my face , I comb my hair and dress in sports clothes and go jogging for a while.

So I start jogging around the base, it's a good exercise and also clears my mind, along the way I say hello to the girls who patrol during the night.

After finishing my second lap I see that it is beginning to dawn, at the moment I am in a somewhat elevated place so I can see a great sunrise.

Me: Wow, that's why I really love waking up early and running at this time.

Then I return to my rooms to take a shower and clean off the sweat from my marathon. When I get to my room I see Sirius surprised.

Sirius: Her majesty? Why are you up so early?

Me: I went out for a run, it's good to exercise.

Sirius: Since you worked so late yesterday, I thought you would wake up a little late, and today is your day off.

Me: Yes, I had those plans, but... let's talk inside.

So we go into my room, I undress to dry my sweat with a towel that I had prepared before going out for a run and I cover myself with it, then I sit on the chair.

Sirius: What do you have to tell me?

Me: Well, in the early morning I had a nightmare.

Sirius: A nightmare?

Me: Yes, that left me very uneasy so I decided to go out for a while to clear my mind, it was a dream where I was at sea where everything was burning in flames, many allied ships were sinking and then I found a META version of Enterprise and she showed me the black mind cube that Sheffy stole from the empire. She told me that our end is near.

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now