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Meanwhile Javelin and Laffey are having lunch at the top of a cliff near the sea and a hibernating tree, Javelin is somewhat depressed by Ayanami and does not eat.

Javelin: I wonder if she's okay.

Laffey: Oh, that girl, I think her name is Ayanami.

Javelin: (Sigh) So Ayanami, huh? So we have to fight against it?

Just then an eagle perches on the branch of the nearby tree.

Laffey: That Eagle...

Just then both girls see Enterprise walking and Javelin greets her.

Javelin: Hello Enterprise.

Enterprise: Good afternoon, I see you are having lunch.

Javelin: Yes.

Enterprise: That's good, they should recover energy after the work of rebuilding the base.

Javelin: Yes. Oh, Enterprise, do you want to join us?

Enterprise: Thank you very much for the invitation, but I have an appointment with Cleveland, I will finish my surveillance shift shortly and I will go to lunch with her.

Javelin: Enterprise-san.

Enterprise: What's wrong?

Javelin: How can I be as strong as you?

Enterprise: (Surprised) Ehhhhhh? What how? Well, that is a very good question and I don't know what to answer you, I guess with hard work and eating correctly... the truth is that I don't remember well, when I was a rookie everything was worthless to me and I just went with the flow, it was I was immature and took everything as a joke, but she worked diligently at the same time, that was a looong time ago that I already forgot.

Javelin: Ah, I see.

Enterprise, Ahhh, please don't be sad, I really don't remember.


The Eagle Union reinforcement fleet is sailing in this area without being aware that a threat looms over them, there is a ship in the fleet that breaks formation.

Northampton: Hamman calm down!

Hamman: No time to relax! The base may be in serious danger!

Helena: Excuse me, but I had previously reported that the base reported that they were able to repel the enemy attack.

Hamman: (Speeds up even more) We have to hurry!

Northampton: How energetic she has been since yesterday.

LI: (complaints) This ghost is tired, I can't take it anymore.

They all ignore Long Island.

Arizona: It seems that the famous Enterprise was the one who defeated the enemy.

Northampton: Enterprise? Hornet, isn't she your sister?

Hornet: (Sighs of grandeur) Oh, it is a great burden to be the younger sister of a champion like her...

Hamman: Can you tell what that lazy talk is!? The enemy can attack us at any time!

Hornet: Well, Hamman has a point in her favor, it is better to increase our speed.

The Hornet fleet accelerates to maximum, but then Helena's radar makes contact with something.

Helena: girls!

Arizona: What's wrong Helena?

The fleet stops and two aircraft carriers appear on the horizon in front of them, it is the fifth aircraft carrier division of the Sakura empire.

Hornet: Ugh, looks like we weren't fast enough.

On the horizon two Japanese aircraft carriers are approaching at high speed towards the Hornet fleet, on the deck of the Shokaku, Shokaku is lamenting Akagi's orders.

Shokaku: Ohhh, poor me, bullied by my cruel sempai... Don't you think so, my dear sister?

Zuikaku: Come on sister, can you take this seriously? This is our golden opportunity to show our superiors that we are as strong as them.

Shokaku: Oh my sister, you are such a direct girl... Don't worry, your older sister has your back.

Zuikaku: (Drawing her sword) Yes! As long as you're here I have nothing to fear!

At that, Zuikaku's ship lights up in flames to summon her ship, meanwhile at the Azur Lane Base the high-ranking girls had already found out about the attack because Hornet had sent an SOS.

Wales: We have to go help Hornet and the others!

The girls remained silent since they all knew that they cannot deploy now due to severe damage when the door opens unexpectedly and Illustrious enters along with Unicorn.

Illustrious: Wales! Enterprise! It has...!

Wales: What did you say!?

Meanwhile, with the Royal Navy fleet, one of Liz's F-35s had intercepted the empire's communications and therefore she went to investigate and what she saw was that the allied fleet was being attacked by the empire, so Liz passes the information to the queen.

Me: Mother, there is something we have to talk about.

QE: (Drinking tea) What's wrong?

Me: The information she is about to hear may make her spit out her tea, it would be wise for her to put down the drink.

The queen pays attention and now she is all ears to the protagonist.

Me: Hornet's fleet is under attack by the Sakura Empire, there are two aircraft carriers from the empire besieging Hornet's fleet, additionally it seems that they have summoned several mass-produced Siren ships to assist them in the attack.

QE: (Outraged) That's outrageous.

Me: (Speaking very elegantly) So that's why let me go to give those barbarians a class of elegance.

QE: (Bland look) You just want to go have fun, right?

Me: (Shit, she realized) No, no, no, you're wrong, I really want to help our allies, and I also want to test my country's old STOVL prototype fighter.

QE: You're not fooling me about that, but hey, okay, I'll leave you to Belfast and Sirius for your escort.

Me: I am very grateful for your words.

So the three girls went to help Hornet's fleet, on the other hand, Enterprise sails at full speed to help her sister.

Cleveland: Enterprise! You're going too fast! I can barely keep up with you! It's dangerous and you can burst your thrusters! Furthermore, a fall at more than 35 knots is dangerous!

Enterprise: There is no time to waste. My sister Hornet is there, I must protect her.

At Enterprise's words, Cleveland is moved, so she decides that she is going to help her.

Cleveland: Well I understand you with little, friend. I also have many younger sisters that I have to take care of so I'm going to help you... I just wish we had some ships as escorts.

At those words Javelin and Laffey appear to help them.

Laffey: Laffey will go too.

Javelin: Let's help our friends.

Seeing her help, Cleveland gives her a thumbs up while she smiles from ear to ear.

TO BE CONTINUE....................................

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