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At the base of Azur Lane while the high-ranking girls are talking, Unicorn had the problem that her friend Yuu-chan ended up getting lost and now she is looking for her worriedly, in which Javelin approaches her.

Javelin: Hello.

Javelin's voice makes Unicorn jump in fear and then she looks at Javelin with a lot of doubt.

Unicorn: Oh, uh... I think you're...

Javelin: I'm HMS Javelin, you're also from the Royal Navy, right? Something happened to you?

Unicorn: I separated from Yuu-chan and I don't know what to do.

Javelin: Yuu-chan?

Unicorn: She's my friend and I'm worried about her.

Javelin: Oh, I know, in that case let's go find her together.

And so Javelin joins the group to search for Yuu-chan, on the way they meet Laffey who was taking a little break.

Javelin: Excuse me, have you seen Unicorn's friend?

In that Unicorn shows Yuu-chan's drawing to Laffey.

Laffey: You have good drawing skills.

At that Unicorn is embarrassed and hides behind Javelin.

Javelin: Does it look familiar?

Laffey starts to think, but after a few seconds she falls asleep.

Laffey: I'm sleepy.

Javelin: Sorry for intruding on your day off.

The girls are then leaving when Laffey stops them.

Laffey: Are they in trouble? I'm going to help too.

So Laffey joins the search party.


Today I wake up early, I look around and I can see that it hasn't "dawn" yet, so I get out of bed and do my stretching exercises and get dressed in sportswear to go jogging around the base for a while, I'm wearing a tank top and shorts since it's summer so there's no problem of catching a cold since it's hot.

I jog out of my room and as I jog around the quiet base, I have the whole place to myself, when I reach the port I start to see the sun start to shine brighter so I can tell the sun started to rise, Actually, in this area we have very few hours of darkness, so most people sleep with eye covers to prevent sunlight from disturbing, so after going around the base 5 times, I return to my room all sweaty.

Me: Not bad for my first time trotting this body around the base, though I have to shower now.

When I get to my room I see Sirius inside.

Me: Good morning.

She looks at me with concern.

Sirius: Where was you? Does you not know how worried I was? And why are you all wet?

Me: I went jogging for a while, what's wrong?

Sirius: You are her majesty's daughter so you should be more careful when you go out.

Me: Don't worry, I can defend myself, besides, what's wrong with all this? We are within our bases so you should not worry.

Sirius: her majesty, you must understand that regardless of the place, everything is dangerous, you must be more aware.

Me: In my previous world, death was around the corner and I always went jogging every morning to exercise my body and nobody made noise about it, so don't worry.

Sirius: Your Majesty...

And she went on and on with the same thing, so in the end, to avoid dragging it out, I agreed with her and that I would not do it again and that tomorrow she will accompany me, my God, how overprotective she is.

So I took a bath and then I go out dressed in my combat uniform and have breakfast inside my room, after breakfast I leave my room and head towards the library to study more about this world.

When I arrived I started to read many books about the history of this world and about the siren, I quickly took photos when I saw each page, because I am assisted by computers I can easily retain the information with 100% accuracy and I can also read at an inhuman speed and in less than 5 hours I had already read all the books in the library without problems.

Me: (How terrifying is the power of computers)

Then I leave the library and go to the dining room since it's lunch time, so I get to the dining room which is full of kansen having lunch, so I stand in line and wait for my turn, when my turn came Kent looks at me surprised.

Kent: Your Majesty? What is you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your room?

Me: (chuckles) Well yes, but eating here would be closer to me than going to my room, please serve me without making noise.

She nods and serves me my food, so then she goes to sit down, at which point I see Formidable and Drake raise their hands to me.

Drake: This way.

So I approach them.

Me: Good afternoon, what's up?

Drake: Hello, here having lunch.

Formidable: What a miracle someone from the royal family eats here.

Me: And what about you, Miss?

Formidable: Being someone from the noble family doesn't take away from me how boring it is to eat in my room like the rest of the noble ladies do.

Me: Well, I could also say the same, I was working and I'm lazy to go to my room, it would be closer to eating here.

Drake: Hahahaha, that's great, our queen would never do that

Me: It's nicer to eat together with friends, so food tastes better.

Drake: That's true.


Formidable: Girls, please watch your table manners.

Me: Don't worry, come on friend you have to be happy, above all.

Formidable: By the way, I heard that the queen's fleet has set sail for the Azur Lane base.

Me: Yes, that was during the early morning, she went along with Miss Hood, Warspite and their escorts, it's a pity she couldn't meet Aunt Warspite from this universe, the one I know is a very serene and Very short in stature, he was also very good at wielding a giant sword.

Formidable: Oh what a coincidence, our Warspite matches the descriptions you've given.

Me: seriously?

Terrific: Yes.

Speakers: [Please Lizbeth's fleet report to the command office!]

Formidable: Looks like they're calling us.

Me: Yes, now what will it be?

TO BE CONTINUE...............................

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now