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War never changes no matter the time...

After Akagi finished saying about starting the real war, Orochi smiles evilly and prepares to fire the missile at her.

Enterprise: Hey Liz, what are we going to do now? She's going to shoot that mass destruction thing!

Me: Calm down, the enemy is not planning to blow herself up on us, she will surely target the base in Pearl or the main headquarters of the empire, both places are hostage targets. Besides, if I intercept it now, we may all be history, we need that thing to move away from the place so we can intercept it.

The girls nod at Liz's explanation.

On the other hand, the other girls don't know what that thing is.

Denver: Sister! What's that?

Cleveland: I actually have a very bad feeling.

On the other side of the coin, Iron Blood is taking on a small division of Tester-class sirens, then Eugen looks at the weapon and it looks quite familiar.

Eugen: It looks a lot like a secret project of ours...

Yuudachi: (Doubts) What are you talking about?

Tester: That's not a bad assumption, Prinz Eugen. What you see in front of you is a weapon of the future, the concept of that weapon is far beyond your scope of understanding.

Eugen: (Offended) What did you say?

Returning to Liz and Enterprise's carrier group, they look at the gun that is about to fire.

Enterprise: What will we do? can you do something about it?

Me: Yes, but we have to avoid a second salvo from that thing, Enterprise, we have to somehow rescue Akagi, she could give us a lot of information about what happened and why war was declared on our faction.

Enterprise: You're right.

Me: Enterprise, as badass of the American fleet, I entrust you with the role of distracting Orochi while I am in charge of preventing a second salvo from that thing.

Enterprise: I understand.

Belfast: But fighting Orochi's human form? That is very dangerous.

Belfast and Sirius are very worried about it since their friends are about to do something very stupid.

Me/Enterprise: We are bored and we want to have fun, do you also know how to deal with your force to prevent nuclear missiles from being armed by accident?

The girls grimaced that I'm right.

Me: I have handled this type of weapons in the past so I know what I should do to avoid the second launch of the missile, the only thing I don't like is that the enemy has a closed circuit that prevents me from hacking it to cut all the energy and defeat him in an easier way.

Sirius: Please speak in our language, I don't understand you.

Belfast: I didn't understand anything either.

Me: Just follow my plan, okay?

The girls nodded.

Me: go!

The girls separated to carry out their part of the plan. Enterprise, Belfast and Sirius will be in charge of fighting Orochi and I will be in charge of deactivating the enemy's nuclear weapon, the signal to act is after the enemy missile is fired.

At that moment the enemy missile is fired and then flew towards the east, the firing of the missile greatly surprised the girls who saw the scene very surprised that they stopped fighting for a few moments.

Me: [It's your time to act.]

Liz orders some of her planes to deal with the problem and some Rafale planes are diverted to intercept the enemy weapon.

Illustrious: (Looking at the enemy missile) What a malevolent presence.

Wales: Where is that thing going? (She is stunned when she realizes what is happening) Can she reach the base? From here?

Meanwhile Orochi has a smile that I won, well after all, she has a weapon capable of attacking anywhere regardless of distance (Or that's what the anime makes you believe)

Orochi: Destroy your enemy unilaterally from as far away as possible, that is the nature of weaponry evolution. The power to annihilate the enemy's headquarters from across the ocean.

Akagi: Yes, the power to repel enemies who seek to interfere with my love.

The missile is constantly monitored by Liz, who climbs onto the aft deck of the Orochi and she sees that the missile's firing guide rails begin to stow away, so she runs up to the launcher and kicks it hard enough. so that the structure bends a little so that the missile avoids its launch, when the launcher finishes being stored, just in case in doubt, she ends up kicking one of the mobile slides to prevent the missile's cover from opening and firing another salvo .

Me: Well, now since it was resolved quickly, now I have to go with Enterprise and the rest, I don't think they can handle everything. Hmm? It seems that the missile is already out of danger range for the allied fleet, I think it's time to shoot it down, what?

At that Liz sees through the cameras of her aircraft that a high-ranking siren is the one who is guiding the missile remotely.

Me: [Let one of the planes shoot down that crazy bitch and shoot down the enemy weapon]

Liz's planes listened and prepared to shoot down the enemy weapon, two of the planes diverted and fired their missiles at Tester, the missiles followed Purifier who received all the offensive power of two Rafale planes, Purifier died without knowing What happened, seconds later the Rafale plane that was chasing the missile fires its AAM missile and all the planes begin to retreat at full speed.

A few minutes later a large explosion engulfed the sky on the horizon.


Don't worry about the French planes who are fine, as they shot down the missile and the siren out of visual range so they were very far from the explosion.

The kansen were very surprised and at the same time very terrified by what they saw.

TO BE CONTINUE....................................

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