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Meanwhile at the newly rebuilt base in Peal Harbor, it is a peaceful day like any day, the battleship Prince of Wales commander of this base is taking the day off after working hard for all this time, so today she is going to receive to an old friend who should arrive at this base today, next to her walks the cheerful Cleveland a light cruiser from Eagle Union.

Walking Cleveland sees that today's kansen are very happy and energetic doing their things in their spare time.

Cleveland: Wow! It really got exciting around here!

Wales: Yes, the Eagle Union and Royal Navy forces are assembling at this base, things will get even busier from now on.

Cleveland: You know who else is coming from my side? She is the best Eagle Union warrior who has been given the most battle stars!

Wales: Gray Ghost? The main forces of the Royal Navy will also be arriving soon, this base will surely become the center of all our ongoing activities.

Cleveland: In that case we'd better greet them properly! We can't keep them waiting!

In that very happy Cleveland goes ahead of Wales and Wales walks to her rhythm, in that a girl who wears a worn black cape passes by, but no one had noticed.

Cleveland: Come on friend! Faster Faster!

Wales: Don't rush me.

With the caped girl, she walks towards the port and after seeing the port a wind snatches her hood revealing to Ayanami a destroyer at the service of the Sakura empire.

Meanwhile Wales and Cleveland receive Illustrious, the aircraft carrier woman sees Wales and an excited Cleveland and then smiles, behind Illustrious walks a very shy girl who hides behind Illustrious.

After both women disembark, Illustrious speaks.

Illustrious: Prince, have you come to receive me personally? What a great honour.

Wales: Please cut it, don't bother me, it's been a long time since I've seen you, old friend.

Illustrious: Good morning, Prince of Wales, who's with you?

Cleveland: Eagle Union's USS Cleveland, nice to have you here after your long journey.

In that Cleveland sees Unicorn and she smiles, but Unicorn hides behind Cleveland hurting Cleveland's self-esteem a bit.

Illustrious: She's Unicorn, I'm sorry, but she's very shy.

In that Cleveland sees the situation and then smiles.

Cleveland: My pleasure.

After that they walk to the command office, Illustrious leaves Unicorn in the academy park for her to play and make some friends while they talk about work.

Now they're discussing work inside Wales's office.

Illustrious: The queen's fleet will set sail in a few days and join us in a few weeks.

Wales: Shouldn't we keep worried about Iron Blood?

Illustrious: A temporary pause due to a lack of better information, the most urgent thing is...

Wales: The Sakura empire just as I suspected.

Illustrious: Indeed.

Wales: If the Sakura empire makes its move, this base will be one of the hottest spots, reinforcing this base is the most natural thing to do.

Illustrious: Why wage a pointless conflict?

Wales: I guess war doesn't change no matter the era, that's why all of us were born.

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now