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Well, I have already located the enemy's fleet, so I am contacting Wales.

Me: [Wales, I have already located the enemy fleet]

Wales: [do you have it yet?]

Me: [Yes, they are at the coordinates *******, fortunately I have seen a fleet of imperial destroyers going to that place.]

Wales: [Understood, your mother is worried here.]

Me: [Ok.]

QE: [Hey daughter, where are you?]

Me: [Don't worry, I'm fine, I will meet Belfast soon, she is accompanied with Laffey and Javelin]

QE: [I understand, please take care of yourself]

Me: [Yes, see you]

While sailing I meet Belfast, Laffey and Javelin, but something made me hide behind an iceberg, it seems that the weather around there is not good.

Belfast: Are you worried about that girl from the Sakura empire?

Javelin: You saw it, right?

Belfast: Yes, I apologize for being late to help you.

Javelin: Um... Aren't you upset?

Belfast: Excuse me?

Javelin: Ayanami is our enemy... but we don't want to fight her... but we don't know what to do.

Belfast: You should keep thinking about this. We cannot let situations continue to make decisions for us. Our powers are not to be taken lightly. We were created to fight, not to destroy.

The girls' morale improved a lot, well, since everything has been resolved, I guess it's time to go with them.

So I went out and met with them.

Me: Hey! Hello girls!

At that point they look at me and smile.

Belfast: Your Majesty, Are you okay?

Me: I'm fine, I had some conflicts with the high-ranking sirens, but I was able to deal with them without problems.

Belfast: Thank goodness.

Me: How is the search going? I spoke to Wales and she told me that some girls were missing?

Belfast: The only thing missing was you, my colleagues have already found everyone.

Me: understand.

Just then a strong wind hits us and we take cover to protect ourselves from the wind, then we see that a portal had opened and began to engulf a mass-produced siren destroyer.

Me: Belfast, this place is very dangerous, we must leave now.

Belfast: Understood, my work is done, we leave.

We all nodded and returned to the main fleet. On the way back I chatted with Javelin and Laffey to strengthen our friendly relations and to kill time, remember that during navigation I have always been alert.


Returning to the Sakura empire, Shokaku's words angered Kaga, who stood up with difficulty to face Shokaku.

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now