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Several years ago there was a kansen of the empire called Amagi. One spring she is walking among the cherry trees when she hears two girls running towards her. When she turns around she asks them with her kind smile.

Amagi: What's wrong?

Amatsukaze: Oh, here you are. I find you at a good time.

Naka: Akagi and Kaga are fighting again.

Amagi: (Sigh) My God, when will they mature? (Calm tone) Well, I have no choice.


Enterprise and Purifier attack each other, Enterprise barely manages to dodge Puri's attack and Purifier unfortunately couldn't dodge and takes a lot of damage from Enterprise's attack.

Me: Nice Shot!

But to Liz's surprise the enemy comes out still capable of fighting and that makes Liz a little angry and surprises the rest.

Purifier: That's fun... but it's a shame, I have to go.

Me: You won't!

At that Liz tries to shoot, but a battleship shoots first and hits Liz, breaking her right arm.

Me: (Screams of pain) Ahhhhhhhh!

Sirius: Your majesty!

Purifier: (Crazy laughter) I'll wait for you at the final stage!

Then she starts shooting randomly, managing to hit her allies. Liz realizes that an enemy projectile is going to hit Sirius, so she jumps and covers Sirius, receiving the shot from Sirius.

Sirius: (shock) Your majesty!?

Belfast: TCH! that unfortunate woman!

Belfast attempts to fire on de Puri, but she escaped through a portal, the ships that survived her commander's attack also began retreating from her.

Enterprise: Tch, the enemy has escaped.

Me: (Weak voice) I'm sorry, the enemy we will face will be stronger than expected...

Sirius: Don't worry, your majesty, I think it would be best to take you to the infirmary right now.

Belfast: I think you're right.

So they began to retreat and Enterprise had doubts because of the Queen's Daughter's words.

Enterprise: Belfast, what did you mean that the approaching enemy will be stronger than expected?

Belfast: It seems the enemy has somehow stolen information from Liz's technology and not only from her, but all the information from the entire fleet of the base is inside that cube that we stole from the empire.

Enterprise: (surprised) Is that so!?

And so the fleet returned to port.

In the port everyone was very worried about Liz who was very badly injured, after all she received the offensive power of two enemy battleships, Wales and QE approached, Wales asked for information about the situation and QE was surprised and very worried because her daughter was It has barely reached the port.

Wales: What happened!? Are you OK?

Me: I'm fine, it's just some scratches, I've received worse in my life.

QE: (On the verge of tears) How can you say you're fine?

Me: I think it's better that we talk about it privately, not here. I received this damage to protect Sirius, when she was healing me the siren attacked Sirius and I had no choice but to protect her, if she had received that treacherous blow, she would not be here, so I chose the place of impact wisely and I trusted my resistance.

Sirius: I'm sorry that I was protected at that time and it wasn't the other way around.

Me: A good leader always protects her subordinates from him.

Wales: For now, we'll take you to the infirmary.

So Liz was rushed to the infirmary.

Meanwhile somewhere in the sea, the Orochi fleet sails leisurely waiting for Purifier to appear with the black mental cube.

Tester: We have overtaken the Sakura Empire fleet, although they seemed too confused to put up much of a fight. (Looks at Orochi) Finally, huh? I have to say that it is a very great design.

Observer: Fights have to be very dramatic, they are after all the physical manifestations of the will, it is the will that drives them and gives them strength.

Tester: The things you say are too sentimental and difficult to understand.

At that moment Purifier appears.

Puri: She is full of her own ego.

Tester: (Sees that Purifier is beaten up) Ara, it looks like someone got hit pretty bad.

Purifier: I don't dislike rough play. This is yours.

At that Purifier gives the mental cube to Observer and she receives it, then the cube begins to glow brightly.

Observer: Well let's begin... [An encore in the past or perhaps in calculation of the future]

At that the cube begins to glow and dematerialize and go towards Orochi in a halo of purple light, due to the damage, the energy and data of the cube had decreased enough to not explode, due to this the cube was activated correctly, due to Because the power was somewhat lower, the activation was not going to be complete and many of the ship's non-important functions would be offline, but those were not important.

On the other hand, Kaga only sees an intense brightness and strong winds so she has to cover herself and when everything dims she sees, very surprised, Akagi who is standing in front of her.

Kaga: (surprised) Sister? Nesama---- Akagi!

Kaga runs into her sister's arms and then she takes comfort in her older sister's embrace.

Kaga: So you were fine.

Akagi: Yes... this is what the gods intended for us.

At that Akagi points towards the stern of the ship and Kaga also sees.

Akagi: Look Kaga... This is the power we want, the power of Orochi.

At that point, a very elongated thing came out from the stern of the ship that surprised Kaga a lot, this is an intercontinental missile, but Kaga would have no way of knowing it, the missile is fired and flies somewhere in the ocean, Kaga was very surprised by the Akagi's words, but because of the surprise she would not have the words to express it.

TO BE CONTINUE..................................

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