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A few days after the combat in the arctic, everyone was already in their respective bases except for Ayanami who was captured by Azur Lane and now she wakes up in the bed in the base's infirmary.

She sits on the bed while she looks confused at her body that is bandaged in some parts, then she looks around her and seeing that the room is Western style she becomes a little alarmed.

Me: Don't even think about escaping, friend.

At that Ayanami looks in the direction of the door and sees Liz who brings Ayanami breakfast.

Me: You are under surveillance 24/7.

At that Ayanami looks out the window and sees a helicopter flying at a safe distance watching her room.

Me: But calm down, that surveillance is for another kansen, but it's not like we're going to hurt you.

Ayanami: You are the queen of Royal Navy.

Me: I do.

Ayanami: Are you going to question me?

Me: I don't know, what if I ask you about Orochi? What would you answer? Do you know something?

Ayanami has doubts because of the question, although she knows something about the project, just the basics.

Ayanami: She is a capital ship with the capabilities of fighting a fleet, this was done with the imminent siren threat and our low budget for our navy.

Me: Well, that is information that we already know, besides, if we wanted to interrogate you, you would not be here, but in an interrogation room.

Ayanami breathes a little relief, being ignorant saved her from an interrogation.

Me: I brought you breakfast, you need to feed, you have been unconscious for 5 days and we have only injected serum to keep your body nourished.

Ayanami nods and Liz puts a table on the bed so Ayanami can eat, the breakfast was prepared by Nevada so it was a typical American breakfast with the only difference that the food is somewhat tasteless.

Me: From the last battle, you risked yourself to save the fifth division, but that left you very badly injured. You had some fractures and severe burns from the explosion. Thanks to the fact that you are a kansen, your wounds healed quickly. After the explosion, you were rescued. by Javelin and Laffey, we picked you up and now you're a prisoner of war.

Ayanami: What about them?

Me: Worried about them?

Ayanami: Yes.

Me: Don't worry, they will come visit you later or I hope so.


Meanwhile in Wales' office, Wales, Hornet and Cleveland are berating Javelin and Laffey for their actions in saving Ayanami.

Cleveland: Seriously, that was very reckless of you.

Hornet: A thoughtless charge to save an enemy is a very honorable act for which we do not give medals.

Javelin: (Sad) We're so sorry.

Belfast: (Defending the two) Wait a little, I was the one who ordered that. I should be responsible for it.

Wales: You say that, but... we have to send the right message to others.

Both destroyers are somewhat depressed, but the situation was not going to wait.

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierWhere stories live. Discover now