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Meanwhile at the Azur Lane base, the Dragon Empery girls meet in Wales's office to deliver the report, the rest of the important girls from the factions were also present.

NH: Dragon Empery detected some suspicious siren activity, it could be a sign that they were preparing a massive attack, we went out on a scouting mission to get more information, but during the mission the enemy found us and cornered us, we had to flee, but they caught up with you near their base and the rest of the story is already known.

Hornet: You mean the high class sirens are doing something big?

The Chinese girls nod.

Wales: The Dragon Empery are one of the countries in the Azur Lane alliance and they risked their lives to bring us such information.

NH: Maybe they are up to something and would attack us while we are focused on the war against Red Axis.

Enterprise: (Thoughtful) A war on both fronts, this will be hard...

After a while the meeting ended, due to lack of information nothing could be done, now Enterprise and Belfast walk through one of the corridors of the base.

Enterprise: Increased siren activity and the Sakura Empire's new technology... its ability to control mass-produced siren... It cannot be mere coincidence. We should investigate it.

Belfast: Don't worry, this is an activity that the Royal Navy excels at.

Enterprise: What did you say?

Belfast: We already knew this could happen, so we sent a spy team a few days ago.

Enterprise: (Surprised) Wo, I didn't expect anything less from you.

Belfast: Cloak and dagger, spy mission.

Meanwhile in the Sakura empire Ayanami's girls friends walk as they head to the restaurant to talk, in the opposite direction Liz walks with Dido disguised as priestesses.

Yuudachi: It's a race!

Yukikaze: I'm not going to lose!

Then Yuudachi and Yukikaze race to the restaurant while Shigure sighs at how energetic her friends are.

Meanwhile, in the imperial palace that is in the highest area of the place, Nagato is with her assistants and the first aircraft carrier division, Akagi verbally reports on the success of the mission and then informs about the new technology of the Royal Navy that almost destroys their plans and Nagato only listens to the report while looking at the black mental cube, then Akagi begins to report on the advantages that the black mental cube offers for being able to control mass production siren ships that are near the user and the report ends, Nagato nods.

Nagato: So the mission was threatened by Enterprise, well she has always been very strong so it is understandable, plus she did not expect that the Royal Navy already had jet planes in possession...

Akagi: Indeed.

Nagato: So, this black box allows us to control mass-produced sirens?

Akagi: Yes, but that is only a byproduct, the black mental cube is also a normal mental cube of which warships are made.

Nagato: For the Orochi project.

Akagi: Yes, the empire is the bright hope for us, but that forced us to take the first step.

Akagi: It was inevitable.

Kaga: Great clashes occurred between us and the sirens, humanity is barely surviving.

Akagi: Azur Lane's strategy simply won't be fast enough. For the empire to have a future we must complete Orochi at all costs.

Nagato puts down the black cube and returns it to Akagi.

Nagato: I understand, you can leave.

Akagi takes the cube and they both bow and leaves, then Nagato sees both kitsune girls walk away.

Nagato: (I guess war never changes no matter the era)

On the other hand, Kaga is somewhat upset by Nagato's decisions.

Kaga: She still has doubts, Nagato lacks determination.

Akagi: Don't talk about her anymore, she is also driven by a deep and great love.

Kaga: But sister!

At that Kaga stops her words because she realizes that Akagi is no longer paying attention to her. Akagi is speaking to the black mental cube in her hands.

Akagi: But it is insufficient... My love is strong enough to incinerate the entire world and continue burning eternally... (Melancholic voice) Yes... soon we will see each other again.

On the other hand, in the restaurant we see Nimi having traditional Japanese food for lunch along with classic Japanese tea, she feels some peace and tranquility while having lunch after a busy day of filing reports on the Royal Navy plane, but she could not continue more and he had to pause to keep his brain from exploding.


And that was the scream that disturbed her peace, the scream was made by Shigure from Sasebo, she is very surprised to hear Ayanami's story.

Shigure: So, that girl named Enterprise easily defeated Kaga... Wow, that was very intense.

Yukikaze: (Pretentious voice) If it were up to me, I Yukikaze-sama would walk around the entire fleet of Eagle Union and Royal Navy... I'm Invincible.

At that Yuudachi, who eats very quickly, chokes.

Shigure: Calm down friend and eat slower, she has some tea.

The girls help her friend to get over her eating crisis and when she was able to get over her meat she sighs in relief and then speaks to Ayanami.

Yuudachi: I am very envious of you friend... you have gone to battle on the front lines. I can't wait to use my cannons and torpedoes again!

Then Ayanami has a memory about the war and she is not proud of such an act.

Ayanami: I don't like fighting... I'm just doing what's expected of me.

Shigure: (Giggles) What's expected of you?

Due to Ayanami's deadpan, the girls misinterpret her thinking that Ayanami was being sarcastic.

Shigure: You are the demon, the demon Ayanami. Come on friend, don't joke.

Yuudachi: (hangs onto Ayanami) Demon horns!

Ayanami: (Uncomfortable) Those aren't horns, they're my ears.

Shigure: (Proud) However, not only can you be strong, you have to be blessed with good fortune like me, the famous Shigure of Sasebo.

Yukikaze: Ohhh! Earn a promotion!

Yukikaze had won a free ice cream promotion and those words angered Shigure, then she pulls out several ice creams out of nowhere to challenge Yukikaze.

Shigure: I've had enough of you! Let's solve this here and now!

At that, because of Shigure's shout, Nimi reached her limit and became upset.

Z23: Shut up once and for all! We're in a restaurant!

Then all the girls had to apologize to Nimi.

TO BE CONTINUE................................................

Azur Lane: A Royal Navy CarrierOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora