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The Eagle Union girls are confused as they see a spatial distortion.

Columbia: Sister, what is that?

Cleveland: How would I know?

Hornet: What is the enemy doing?

Elsewhere, Javelin and Laffey navigate somewhat lost without knowing where their allies are, while Laffey sneezes because of the cold.

Javelin: We are separated from the others, we must regroup with the allies quickly.

Unexpectedly, they come face to face with Ayanami through a mist. Both sides are surprised to meet each other and they all stay still while looking at each other.

Javelin: Ayanami-chan.

Ayanami grabs her sword and weapons and stands pointing at Javelin and Laffey while the other side stands by doing nothing.

Ayanami: Why? Why don't you shoot? Why don't you attack me?

Laffey: We want to be your friend, Ayanami.

Laffey's words surprise Ayanami, she did not expect such words from the other side.

Javelin: Yes! We want to be your friend!

Ayanami: What!? That!? We are enemies! What are you talking about!?

Laffey: That doesn't matter.

Ayanami: Of course it matters! We are warships! Fighting the enemy is natural!

Javelin: You're wrong, we're not that simple!

Ayanami remains thoughtful and surprised by Javelin and Laffey's words, when Laffey pushes Javelin due to a surprise attack by three imperial destroyers.

There appear the three luckiest destroyers of the Sakura empire.

Yuudachi: Don't bother Ayanami!

Yukikaze: NANODA!

The girls shoot at Laffey and Javelin.

Javelin: Wait! We don't want to fight!

Yukikaze: Do you think we'll fall into that old Chinese tale!?

While Yukikaze and Yuudachi fight Laffey and Javelin, Shigure goes to Ayanami.

Shigure: What are you thinking, silly? (She grabs her hand and pulls her) Let's get the hell out of here! We will guide you to the main fleet!

Then they began to withdraw.

Yukikaze: (Firing in retreat) We'll settle accounts later!

Yuudachi: (Retreat) Next time they'll come out with broken bones!

Javelin tries to follow them, but Yukikaze shoots at Javelin, the shot did not hit Javelin, but the very close impact causes a wave that almost knocks Javelin over, fortunately Belfast manages to catch it in time before Javelin capsizes.

Belfast: Are you okay?

Javelin: Belfast?

Belfast: Let's go, this place is dangerous.

And so the girls began the retreat.


Me: Ahh, Ahhh, where are my friends?

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