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After being blinded by the light, I feel cold and when my eyes begin to get used to the light I am attacked because the early warning radar turns on alerting me of an imminent danger and when I jump back an explosion reverberates in the place where before was.

??: Ara, ara, it seems that you managed to avoid my attack.

I don't know who it is, but from the voice I can deduce that it is a woman, then the early warning radar warns me again of the danger and I avoid other enemy attacks, more enemy contacts appeared on the radar, 5 more and they all seem to have the same radar signature from what I can deduce are problems that are high-range sirens, then the sirens shoot at me and I do whatever I can to avoid the enemy attack, thank goodness I can use my radars and sonar to replace my eyes, so Otherwise I would already be screwed.

Then I start sailing at my maximum speed trying not to hit the ice that surrounds me, the enemy chases me while shooting at me, I use the SeaRam to intercept the projectiles that threaten to hit me.

Observer: Just as I expected, you are a threat.

Me: Don't worry, you're going to pay me, you won't tell anyone about me.

In a corner of the ice I secretly launch one of my planes and the enemy seems to be eating my move, I hope that's the case and it's not a feint, little by little my vision returns to me so now I can more or less see to my surroundings.

My plane begins to fly behind the enemy's back secretly, but at a distance so that the enemy does not come at it, then in another corner I launch about 3 more planes for backup and finally my drone in another corner, in total I have 5 planes in the air covering me, the sirens seem to be chasing me while they shoot at me, I have the electronic countermeasures and electronic warfare turned on, currently they cannot send or receive reports or information by any means of long and short distance communication.

Now that the stage is ready to play, it's time to start the show, so I go out into a void and order my planes to attack with everything.

Me: To all units, hit them with the chair.

The positioned planes fired with everything without reserve, in this world there is no Chaff and flares or as they say in the game anti-missile traps, so there are no problems in firing everything without reserves.

The missiles flew without problems and hit my enemies from behind and this surprised them, they were not expecting a creeping attack as such.

Observer: (Suffering) Damn whore! The royal has fallen too low to make these types of attacks!

Me: No shit, friend, you attacked me in a 6 vs 1, it was unfair from the beginning, so don't act nice now. Now answer, damn asshole, what are you guys up to?

Observer: Fufufu, since you defeated me, I guess I can reveal a few things to you, we have won and you pathetic humans have lost.

Me: I have asked what you do, I have not asked you about your horoscope.

Observer: It's the simple truth, you have lost, if you don't manage to put an end to the empire here, you have lost. (evil laugh) OHOHO, OOHOHOHO, OOHOHO.

Me: Damn stupid, die now.

I take out my pistol and shoot it, the bullets transform into Trident II missiles and the damage that that missile caused was devastating that only ground and burned flesh of the siren was left, I guess the sirens are so mentally tough, Or since they are crazy they no longer they feel pain.

Me: Well, let's go find my friends, it was said.


On the other hand, the Azur Lane girls are confused and analyze the situation, since there were many lost kansen they decided to assemble search fleets and bring the losses to the main fleet.

Due to the sudden change in temperature, many of the girls became weak and had to receive medical attention, many had to take refuge inside their ships to warm their bodies, they are in the arctic so it is obvious that this would happen, some girls who They are more resistant, they remained helping the others who collapsed due to the cold.

On the other hand, the top girls of the Royal meet to talk.

London: Yes, when the Mirror Sea collapsed, it seems to have caused the rest of the area near it to become very unstable.

Hood: (Concerned) Was everything done by the sirens?

Wales: The Orochi Project of the Sakura empire and Akagi's power in the previous enemy ambush, I can't help but feel that they are related.

QE: To thwart whatever the sirens are up to, we can't let the Sakura empire escape. What about my daughter?

London: We are looking for her, Belfast reports that she has already found some kansen so she has sent them our way.

QE: Understood.

Me: [Hello mother, is there anyone there?]

QE: [Daughter! Where are you? I'm worried about you.]

Me: [Don't worry, I'm fine, you know? I just sent a siren fleet with Mother Coco and when I interrogated it one of them confessed to me that, if we don't beat the enemy in this fight, Azur Lane would lose, that's what she told me, and to tell the truth I don't believe her in the slightest, What do you think?]

QE: [It's a good question] Warspite What do you think?

Warspite: [I think that siren would be right, after all the report from Sheffield about a gigantic ship that abysmally surpasses Yamato, leaves me worried.]

Wales: I also think the same, we must end the war here and now.

TO BE CONTINUE................................................. ..

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