Chapter five. Derek apologizes

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Peter growled out when he felt her bite him, bonding her to him. He felt his eyes go red as his fangs stayed, he soon pushed away from his now marked and bonded mate. "I will come back for you. You are mine." He told her in a deep tone, due to his wolf shining through.

He pressed one last kiss to her lips, before walking away from the porch shifting into his beast wolf form and howling.

As he disappeared into the forest again, he could now stay in contact with his mate and now feel what she was feeling

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As he disappeared into the forest again, he could now stay in contact with his mate and now feel what she was feeling.

Shauna didn't know what to make after all of that, she smiled a little as she gently touched the mate spot that was now healed with a mark.
She covered it up, just as Derek had just pulled up up the house and got out of the car.

She stood there calmly as he walked up to the porch, she didn't really say anything as she let him speak first. "I figured you'd be here waiting. Look I'm sorry about earlier, I was upset and irritated. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that, this isn't your fault." Derek told her.

Shauna knew that Derek was upset and irritated back at the police station, and she couldn't blame him since her brother, and their friend technically Scott's friend Stiles went digging up on his property for Laura's body.

"You don't need to apologize Derek, but I do understand why you were upset and frustrated. The boys shouldn't have been on your property digging up your sister. And I understand that your mad about the whole thing with the alpha, even though neither of us could or can control that." She told him.

Derek nodded his head. "Which is why, I need your help to figure out who it is and stop them from killing anyone else," he told her, knowing she probably wouldn't like it but they had to stop the alpha somehow by someway.

Shauna nodded her head biting back her feelings. "How exactly are you planning on stopping the alpha and figuring out who they are?" She asked him, knowing she probably wasn't going to like that answer.

"You know how. It's the only option, I'm sorry Shauna but I can't let your mate go around hurting people. As for figuring out who they are, we find clues and try to figure it out. You have more of a connection to it then me or Scott do. At some point it will show itself to you." Derek told her.

Shauna gave him a hurt look. "You are not seriously going to use me as bait, to figure out who my mate is. Just so you can kill kill him." She told him hurtfully. "I'm sorry but I want no part in that." With that she started to walk away.

"You can't walk away from this Shauna, this is your fight too." Derek told her, watching her as she walked off and left through the woods making him sigh in frustration. She was so stubborn and irritating.

At the McCall house

Shauna walked inside and went straight up to her room, he ignored Scott and Melissa who were asking her if she was alright since she had been out most of the day, and it was now evening outside.

As she walked upstairs, Scott could sense something off with her but wasn't quite sure what. "What's gotten into her?" Melissa asked Scott with concern.

"I'm not sure." He said as him and his mom both heard her door slam. Scoot looked at his mom, hearing her sighing.

Shauna slid down her door once it was closed, she wrapped her arms around her knees and cried silently, as she sat there thinking about her mate Peter Hale.

She soon looked over at her window feeling eyes watching her, she stood up and looked out her window seeing glowing red eyes watching her.

Peter watched Shauna up in her room at the McCall house, he could sense her pain and sadness. He had been off in the woods when he had felt something wrong with his mate, so he followed her scent and followed her to the McCall house.

He let out a small howl telling her to come to him, he waited for her to come out of her room and to him knowing that she wouldn't resist his calling to her.

Shauna heard his howl, which made her smile, as she just looked out her window at him. Before grabbing her backpack and putting some stuff in it.

Shauna then carefully climbed out the window and onto the roof, before quietly but carefully landing on the ground and running over to where he was standing.

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