Caring Peter

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Shauna was going to tell him she'd be okay with that, but she ended up throwing up again whining and crying as she threw up. She felt Peter's hand rubbing her back gently, trying to soothe her as she got sick. She started to heave again, but she didn't want to throw up again. "I don't wanna." She whined, cradling her stomach and almost throwing up again.

"I know sweetheart. I know. I'm gonna get you cleaned up and back to bed. I'll get you a bucket and make sure your comfortable. Before calling Derek, because you shouldn't be throwing up like this." Peter told her, while remembering what his sister went through when she got pregnant with her three kids. It wasn't this bad for her that he recalled, but he was worried for Shauna and the baby, not knowing why she was throwing up like this.

Peter grabbed a cloth from the cupboard in the bathroom. He walked over to the sink and got it wet, before helping Shauna up and onto the large bathroom counter top. Where he gently started to clean up her face, before seeing a bit of it in her shirt and some of it in her hair. Peter didn't say to much as he got her cleaned up, he was just so worried about her that he completely went quiet. He helped Shauna finish getting cleaned up, before helping her take off her now dirty shirt and picking her up carefully.

He carried her carefully, but gently into the bedroom and sat her sat on the bed. Before going over to his dresser and pulling her out a shirt to change into. "Here." Peter told her gently, before helping her into the shirt and pulling it over her head. "Thanks." He heard her quietly tell him.

Peter smiled softly, pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "Your welcome. I'm gonna go get you some ginger ale and crackers from the kitchen. Do you need anything?" He asked her.

Shauna looked at him, lightly shaking her head before covering up with the comforter. Frowning when she did see her Xbox controller or the tv remote. "No. Thanks though. Where's-oh. Thanks." She said after being cut off by Peter handing them to her. "I'm gonna go get those for you. I'll be back." She turned on the tv and Xbox, smiling warmly yet softly as he kissed her cheek, before heading out of the bedroom and downstairs to the kitchen.

Peter went down to the kitchen grabbing her some ginger ale and crackers, while calling Derek and heading back upstairs when he didn't answer. He sat the two things down, next to Shauna on her bedside table, before sitting down on the other side of the bed watching whatever she was watching, which was a YouTuber names Chilledchaos. (He's a really funny streamer.)

Peter soon heard his phone going off and got up off the bed, as he picked it up seeing that it was Derek calling him back. "Your late." He heard Derek tell him, which made him roll his eyes and sigh as he opened the balcony door and walked out onto it. "I know I'm late. But I'm not gonna be able to help you and the pack. Shauna isn't feeling well and I'm not okay with leaving her alone." He told his nephew glancing back inside at Shauna, seeing her sipping on the ginger ale and slowly eating the crackers.

"What?" He heard Derek say, with confusion in his tone. "I found her in the bathroom throwing up. Isn't she supposed to be past this?" Peter asked Derek.

Derek didn't have the answer to his question, but he knew that Melissa might know the answer. "I don't know. Melissa would know the answer to this one. Have you spoken to Scott?" He asked him, before chuckling softly when he went quiet,

Peter rubbed the back of his neck, sighing softly as he went quiet making his nephew chuckle. "No. I haven't spoken with him yet, She was supposed to go with him to see Melissa today. But she's not gonna be able to. Not like this." He told Derek, looking back into the house to see her throwing up again. "Derek I gotta go. Just have Scott come by with Melissa." Peter hung up after that, before rushing back inside and over to his mate. With worry and concern written all over his face, due to how much she was throwing up and looking pale.

Teen Wolf Peter Hale finds his mateOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz