11. Oh no

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Peter unlocked a door to a operating room it looked like, before walking over to a mirror and looking at himself in it at his burns.
"I was gonna wait for dramatic flare. But..

He heard his mate follow him into the room, along with Derek crawling on the floor. He just stood there looking at the mirror before flipping it and watching his burns fade away as the mirror.

"When you look this good why wait?" Peter said, stopping the mirror as he looked Derek then straight at Shauna.

Walking towards her, he then gently moved some hair out of her face. "You have a promise to keep sweetheart." He told her gently, before leaning in and kissing her on the lips.

He looked over at Derek when he pulled back, taking Shauna's hand in his. "Don't worry Derek, I'm not gonna hurt her. She is my mate after all." He told him. "But before we do anything to crazy, I think we should go talk to Scott."

In the boys locker room.

Scott had just gotten done with his game and showered, he looked over at Peter. "I don't get lacross." He heard him say, before turning to see Derek standing there. "It was you." Scott said to Peter, after gasping in shock and surprise.

"Your helping him? He killed your sister!" Scott told Derek, looking straight at him so shocked that he was helping his uncle.

"It was an accident." Derek told Scott, his face looking so stern and firm.

"What?" Scott asked him, not believing him but also stunned. "It happens." Derek replied firmly to him.

Shauna appeared next to Peter, looking at her brother whom looked hurt to see her there with Peter but she ignored them talking about sports and the Native American tribes, because she didn't didn't want to listen to it right now. "He's right, accidents happen. But maybe you should see things from his side. He needs your help Scott." She told her brother.

"I'm not helping him kill people." He told her.

"To be fair, I only want to kill the responsible ones. And that doesn't have to include... Peter looked over at Derek as he finished his sentence.

"Alison." Derek replied, which made Scott even more upset. "Your helping him? Both of you!"

She gave him a look of leave it alone, before watching Peter walk over to Scott talking to him. She didn't pay much attention but she did, hear the words. "Sometimes the people closest to you are the ones holding you back."

"I will let them, it it keep me from turning into a psychopath like you." Scott told Peter.

Shauna turned and looked to see Peters claws in Scott's neck, showing him his pain and what he went through.

Her and Derek shared a look, before looking back at Peter and Scott, as Scott fell to the floor once the memories were done being shown.

Peter soon took Shauna's hand and lead her out of there, before kissing her again and backing her up against a wall. "Peter?" He heard her ask him, which made him let out a hum as he kissed her.

"C-can we go on a date? Tomorrow night?" He heard Shauna asked him, he pulled back leaning his forehead against hers. "We can. But first, you have a promise to keep." He told her in a low growl, watching as her eyes went purple.

Chuckling softly at her reaction, he leaned in to kiss her on the lips on last time before leading her out of the school, and outside to her truck.

"May I?" He asked her holding out his hand, for her keys to drive her car. He smiled softly at her, as he unlocked her car and got the passenger side door for her.

Peter could feel his wolf wanting out, but he wasn't gonna let that happen. Because he didn't want to hurt her, especially not for a first time thing.

He closed her door, walking over to the drivers side and hopping in. "Where are we going?" He looked over at Shauna, as she asked him that.

Peter gently, stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. "Somewhere more private, away from your brother and Derek. I want some alone time with you." He started up the car and drove off, he headed off towards the woods.

Teen Wolf Peter Hale finds his mateWhere stories live. Discover now