Chapter 8. Argents

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Shauna soon left the hospital after talking to Peter some, both of them were planning on meeting up again tonight in the woods.

Accept little did Shauna know that, wasn't actually going to be exactly possible.

She went out to her car and pulled out her keys, she unlocked her car before hearing someone behind her. "Going somewhere?" She heard a guy ask her.

Shauna froze seeing that it was Alison's father, she froze not sure what to do. "Yeah, home." She said, before kicking Chris and punching his gun out of his hands.

She then made a run for it only to feel a bullet hit her, causing her to yell out in pain. She growled flashing her purple eyes, before bolting off running from the agents not realizing that the bullet was laced with something.

Gerard had shot her with a wolves bane bullet, he smirked knowing she wouldn't get far. "She's not the alpha." He heard his son Chris tell him.

"No, but she is the alphas mate. Only a Luna werewolf has those type of eyes. Not to mention she won't get far." Gerard told him.

Shauna was starting to sweat and groan, not feeling to well. She needed help and fast, she knew of one person Deaton.

She quickly called Scott and Stiles and told them, that she needed to get to Deaton. "What do you mean Deaton and what do you mean shot?" Scott asked her. "Because I've been shot with wolves bane. I don't have a lot of time for talking about this." She told him.

"We're on our way. Where are you?" Scott asked her.

Right outside the door." Shauna replied.

"That was fast." Stiles said, before opening the door seeing how pale she was. "We need to get you help, that don't look good."

At the vet.

Deaton was helping Shauna with her wound, while Scott wouldn't stop asking her questions about her being a werewolf and about her being at the school last night.

"Scott a little less questions please. Gah!" Shauna cried out in pain as Deaton burned the wolves bane out of her back.

"When we're you gonna tell me about you being a werewolf too?" Scott asked her, wanting to know why she didn't tell him. "You weren't gonna tell me we're you?"

Deaton looked over at Scott. "As much as I can tell, that you want answers Scott. Right now is not the best time." He told him, as he finished burning the wolves bane out, giving Shauna her shirt back.

"Then when is the best time? She was at the school when somebody died. Wait you were with the alpha." Scott told her. "Your working with it aren't you?"

Shauna thanked Deaton, as she grabbed her shirt pulling it back on over her head. "Not exactly." She told Scott, looking down sighing deeply.

"She's not working with it Scott. She's bonded to it." Deaton told him, having seen the mark on her shoulder. "She's mates with the alpha."

"Hold up..are you saying that her and the alpha are, you know....that they... you know." Stiles tried to say awkwardly. "That."

"Not exactly. You can bond with a alpha and become mates with them, without having actually mate with them." Deaton told stiles and Scott. "Judging by your sisters eye color Scott, she's a Luna."

"Meaning what exactly? That she's the alphas mate and the second pack leader?" Stiles asked Deaton.

"Actually yes, that is correct. See the Lunas job, is to work along the alpha and help to love the pack with the heart and care of a mother." Deaton said.

Scott looked at his sister. "I can't believe this. Is that why you haven't been around? And missed my game on Saturday night, because you we're hanging out with the alpha?" He asked her feeling hurt.

Shauna pulled on her sleeves. "Not exactly." She said, not sure how to explain it especially since she had spent that Saturday and most of her time with Derek. Then some of it with the alpha.

"What is that supposed to mean? You've been to busy hanging out with Derek and the alpha, to spend time with me or stiles anymore. I get that all three of us are werewolves, but you could've at least told me and stiles." Scott told her, before walking out with stiles.

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