Soft Peter/Wanting to ask Scott

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Shauna smiled at Peter's words, with a soft giggle. "You already are and you already having a child, doesn't change how I feel about you." She sat her hand on top of his that was on her stomach, looking straight at him with so much awe and love that she had for him. "I love you Peter."

Peter looked up at her using his free hand, to move so hair out of her face. Letting his face curve up into a small smile that he only gave her, when no one was looking or watching.

 Letting his face curve up into a small smile that he only gave her, when no one was looking or watching

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"I love you too sweetheart." He leaned in to kiss her on the lips, before chuckling as she pushed him back away from her gently. "Peter no. My breath stinks and I've been throwing up." He laughed softly at her still smiling, he leaned in kissing her cheek instead. "Doesn't bother me darlin, even pregnant with my child and looking tired, you still look beautiful."

He chuckled softly at her blushing, he definitely found her to be quite beautiful even if she was pregnant with his kid, he couldn't wait til he could ask Scott about marrying his sister, even if Melissa probably wouldn't like it or be happy about, he was still going to ask his mate regardless.

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The alphas and Cora?
Another week goes by

Peter was trying to help his nephew get Cora out of the hospital and back to the loft to be treated, he knew how to help her but it couldn't be done in a hospital or at a hospital. He was trying to keep his mind of his mate and pup, whom was back at the loft waiting for him to get back from being at the hospital with Cora.

Peter was hoping she was alright and save there at the loft, he just wanted her and the baby to be alright. He texted her to check in with her, before helping Derek get Cora back to the loft to take care of her.

Back at the loft....

Shauna was impatiently waiting for Peter to get back home, she was looking out the loft window biting her bottom lip while rubbing her swollen belly, feeling the baby moving and kicking around a lot. She was worried about Peter and his niece Cora, she had heard what was going on with her and felt bad for the poor girl, knowing how much this has pained Peter to see her like this.

She sighed softly as she eventually walked over to the couch, sitting down with some chips and snacking on some, til she had gotten a text from Peter asking ho wher and the baby were doing. She smiled to herself, thankful for Peter's thoughtfulness and caring-ness.

Shauna texted Peter back, telling him that her and the baby were fine. The baby was just a little active and missed their father. She waited from Peter to text back, before hearing the loft doors open. She carefully looked over at the doors, standing up carefully groaning a little bit from the baby not settling down, watching as Peter carried Cora inside and over to Derek's bed.

She watched Peter as he helped lay Cora down, before looking over at her and leaving Derek to help his sister while he walked over to his mate.

Peter was relieved to see his mate and unborn child unharmed, he walked over to her gently touching her cheek as he pressed his lips to hers gently. "I'm sorry, for being gone so long sweetheart. How is junior?" He asked, touching her stomach gently feeling the baby being really active, he chuckled softly before frowning hearing her wincing. "They've been very active, unless I'm laying down or sitting still then their active. But they get more active every time you leave me alone for to long."

Peter felt bad for leaving her for long periods, it pained him to see her wincing from the baby being overly active. "Then how about we get you comfortable in bed. I'll even stay with you til the baby calms down." He told her, before leaning into kiss her clothed belly.

"Sounds good to me, but need a shower Pete. You smell like other wolves and sweat. I don't like it." He heard Shauna mumble, making him laugh softly as he looked up seeing her pouty face and her glowing purple eyes that he loved so much.

"Of course sweetheart. I'll shower before relaxing with you and with the little one." Peter was most definitely also going to ask Scott about marrying her, but he wanted to do it in person. He pecked her cheek, before she could stop him and grabbing her hand. He then told Derek that he be back, after going home with his mate and grabbing a shower. Plus it gave him time to talk to Scott, because he needed a chance to talk to him about marrying his sister.

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