Chapter 10. The alpha is revealed

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A couple of days later.....

Peter was almost completely healed now, and was trying to get rid of the people that had burned his family alive.

He had done it on his own, since the night that his mate had helped him. He missed her presence by his side, but he felt like something was wrong somehow.

"Do you know who made the list?" Peter growled, to the guy as he stood behind him.
"Laura-Laura Hale." The guy replied in a shaky tone.

"Do you know why?" Peter asked the guy. "I think I do, turn around and I'll show you." He growled, as the guy begged for mercy.

"No, please no." The guy pleaded.

"Alpha!" He snapped his head to the side, as he stayed in the shadows hearing his mate call for him. He left the building without getting scene and went looking for his mate, trying to find her and figure out where she was.

Peter tried to find her scent and listen for her call again, he growled as he found her scent and followed it.

"Once the alphas here, kill both of them." Gerard told the hunters, as he walked away to his car smirking.

Peter growled lowly at hearing him say that, he stayed in the shadows with eyes locked on his mate. He could see the fear in her eyes, watching as she sat there with hands bound.

He watched as his mate looked at him, with her eyes glowing purple while she nodded her head. He darted around the area of the hunters.

"What was that?" One of the hunters asked, pointing a gun at where they heard the noise from, before hearing it again in another direction.

One of the hunters, was soon dragged by the ankle and screamed out in fear, dropping their gun in the process.

The other hunter was attacked from behind, they dropped their gun trying to fight back but were knocked unconscious by being choked.

Shauna let the unconscious hunter fall to the ground, before looking around. "Alpha!" She growled out, looking for her mate til she looked over and saw him on all fours looking at her. "We need to go." She told him, walking over to him.

She had a small cut on her bottom lip and a bruised cheek, she also looked like she hadn't slept at all.

Peter gently reached out a hand to touch her cheek gently, he was upset and angry that they had hurt her like this. "I'll be fine." He heard Shauna tell him, he pulled his hand back hearing her heart beat that told him the truth.

She would be fine, he knew that but both of them needed to get out of there and go some place safe.

He looked at his mate, standing up on his two legs and picking up her gently into his arms. He made sure to stay in the shadows, as he carried her back to the hospital that he was being kept at.

He sat her down, on the ground and started to shift back to normal. "Let's get your wounds taken care of." He told her, as he lead her through a back entrance of the place that lead to where his room.

Shauna followed him through the back entrance to his room, she was quiet as she walked into his room and stood there looking around, being quiet as he disappeared to go change into some clothes.

"Who the heck is Jennifer?" She heard a familiar voice, that she knew to well Stiles.

"What the heck is stiles doing here?" Shauna asked herself quietly, before going to see Stiles and saw him looking at a empty hospital bed. "Yeah, I said I can't find her.

DEREK: [on the phone] Look, ask for Jennifer. She's been looking after my uncle."

STILES: [on the phone] Yeah, well, he's not here, either. But Shauna is." He looked confused and scared, because if she was there then so was the alpha?

DEREK: [on the phone] What?

STILES: [on the phone] He's not here. He's gone, Derek. And Shauna is standing here, looking at me."

DEREK: [on the phone] Stiles, get out of there right now! It's him! He's the Alpha! Get out!"

Peter appeared from behind the wall, behind Shauna smirking. "You must be Stiles." He said, standing there with his mate.

NURSE JENNIFER: "What are you doing here? Visiting hours are over." She told stiles.

STILES: [gasping] You... and him... And you. You're-you're the one who-- Oh, my-- and he's-- your his —Oh, my Gosh, I'm gonna die.

PETER: [feigning offense] That's not nice. She's my nurse.

DEREK: She's a psychotic bitch helping you kill people. Get out of the way.

STILES: [muttering] Oh, damn..." As he fell to the floor, against the wall sorta.

Peter. "You think I killed Laura on purpose? One of my own family? My mind, my personality, were literally burned out of me. I was being driven by pure instinct.

DEREK: You want forgiveness?" Derek asked Peter, as the two of them got into a fight.

PETER: I want understanding. Do you have any idea what it was like for me during those years? Slowly healing, cell by cell. Even more slowly coming back to consciousness.
Yes, becoming an Alpha, taking that from Laura pushed me over a plateau in the healing process. I can't help that. I tried to tell you what was happening. I tried to warn you." Peter told him, before looking over at his mate as he went over to his now dead or knocked out nurse grabbing her keys or card to access a room.

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