Peter becomes protective

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I'm gonna hold you to that Hale. Because if anything happens to either of them, I'm holding you fully responsible." Melissa told Peter, before looking at Shauna. "Take care of yourself and that baby. You need to make sure that you stay on top of eating and are eating enough." Melissa looked at Peter as she said the next part. "As for you, no helping the pack without Shauna being next to you. I don't want her involved with anything dangerous, or her to be left alone. Do I make myself clear?" She was firm with her words and meant all of what she had said.

Shauna nodded her head slightly, letting Melissa know that she agreed with her on that. She looked over at Peter to see him being quiet for a second, before nodding his head agreeing with Melissa not wanting to let her out of his sight anytime soon. "I'm not going to leave her alone from now on. And I will watch how much time I spend helping the pack. I'm not going to allow her to get hurt or anything. I swear, I won't allow that to happen." She heard Peter tell Melissa, but Shauna knew that Peter would keep his word on that.

"Good because you will be in really big trouble, if I hear one word of her or the baby getting hurt." Melissa told Peter, before leaving the two of them alone. Peter nodded his head at Melissa's words, he wasn't going to let anything happen to Shauna or their baby, he was going to protect them no matter the cost even if he got hurt in the process. "Trust me I'm not gonna let anything happen to either of them. I'm not leaving her alone anymore." Peter was firm on his word, he would never go back on it with his mate and unborn pup involved.

Melissa believed Peter and saw how his mood was already changing to a father's prospective. It made her smile a little bit, before letting it fade as she bid both of them a farewell for now, walking down the stairs to head out the door. Shauna let out a breath that she didn't know, that she had been holding in once Melissa had left the two of them alone. She looked over at Peter, seeing him getting up and walking out of the room, to go lock the door.

Shauna laid there rubbing her belly gently, while waiting for Peter to come back upstairs. She looked down at her belly feeling the pup moving around, making her smile warmly yet sadly knowing that this was Peters first time getting to witness any of this. Since Taila took his memories away and hid his own child from him. Shauna pitied her mate, knowing that this had to be hard for him knowing that he had a child but had no idea or clue about them.

"You know, if your gonna be sad like this all the time...your gonna make me sad." Shauna felt her ears lift up, as she lifted up her head seeing Peter standing there in the doorway with his arms crossed, with a soft look on his face with a smile.

"Sorry love. I just...I feel bad that Talia took your memory of you having a child. I know that this is also your first time witnessing any of this, which saddens me." Shauna mumbled, knowing that this was all new for him as much as it was for her, but he knew a lot more about werewolves then she did and what was going on with their baby.

Peter sighed softly yet sadly. "It saddens me too, but none of that changes how I feel about you or the baby. Or how much I am going to spoil the both of you rotten." He told her softly, walking over to her to sit down next to her sitting his hand gently on her swollen belly. Smiling as the baby's paws kicked his hand gently, he was in awe and was going to do whatever it took to protect them both.

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