Helpful Peter

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Shauna listened to everything that Melissa was saying and felt bad for Peter, with the way, everyone always ganged up on him, for what happened with her brother and his friends. She sighed softly, before wincing as the baby kicked her ribs. "He's doing the best that he can, and he does care quite a lot. He's home with me most of the time, unless it has to do with the pack. I'm sorry that I haven't been eating enough. I've been spending most of my time sleeping, or not wanting to get up because of how badly my back and that aches."

Melissa hummed at everything she was saying, taking a mental note on what she was telling her. "Being tired and having a sore back is normal, but you have to start taking better care of yourself. You can't not eat or not eat what you should. It's not good for you or the baby. I'm not trying to be harsh, I just don't want anything to happen to either of you." Melissa told her, with more of a softer mother tone. She was concerned for Shauna and the baby, because she needed to make sure that she took care of herself, for the baby and for herself.

Shauna knew that she needed to take better care of herself, but it was becoming more of a challenge with carrying a shifting wolf pup, and from not feeling to good with being in pain all the time now. "I will try to do better to take care of myself. I will also take a mental note to tell Derek to leave Peter out of helping for awhile." Shauna said.

"Darn right you will. And don't worry about it. I will be sure to have Scott tell Derek, to keep Peter on the down low with his help especially since you and the baby need him more then anyone else right now." Melissa told her, before looking at the doorway to see Peter coming back into the room with a tray of food and a drink for Shauna.

Peter stood there with Shauna's food and drink which was a hot chi tea, knowing how much she loved chi tea and he knew that it might help her with the throwing up

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Peter stood there with Shauna's food and drink which was a hot chi tea, knowing how much she loved chi tea and he knew that it might help her with the throwing up. He smiled softly at Shauna's words, he did care for her quite a lot and he wanted to see her feeling better, but he also missed her being there at pack meeting and having her there to keep him in check since she was the only one able to calm him down. Peter soon walked into the room, alerting Melissa of his presence as he watched her back up to allow him to sit the tray down after she had helped Shauna sit up slowly but carefully.

He carefully put the tray over her legs, before sitting down next to her. Moving some hair out of her hair, he sighed quietly not liking how pale she looked. "Hale. A word. Now." He heard Melissa tell him. Peter kissed Shauna's temple. "I'll be back sweetheart." He told her softly, before getting up carefully and following Melissa out to the hallway. He stood there, hoping that he wasn't in trouble still.

"I don't know how the whole werewolf pregnancy thing works, even though Scott explained to me that she is a werewolf like both of you. But she still shouldn't be feeling like this at going on two months. So please explain to me how she looks almost three to four months." Melissa told Peter, since he would probably know more about it then Scott would. "Our young grow and develop much faster, then a human baby does. Pregnancies genuinely, only last for us three to four months. I remember that with my sister when she had my nephew and niece's. But her pregnancies weren't this rough, the only time that happened was with Derek and it was only for a few days to a week...or two."
Melissa hummed softly in response to what Peter was saying. "What did she do to make it through it?"

"She pushed herself through it. Resting for a couple of days, before getting right backup because that's just who she was." Peter told Melissa, before looking back into the room to check on Shauna, seeing her slowly eating her food with the tv playing something. He then looked back at Melissa.

"Well Shauna's not gonna be able to just push through it

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"Well Shauna's not gonna be able to just push through it. She's a tough girl, but she needs a lot of care and looking after. She needs take it easy and rest for a couple more days. Im going to tell Derek what I told you, she is not to be left alone without someone here especially without you here. She needs you as does that baby, she cannot be left alone." Melissa told him firmly.

Peter nodded his head, he was going to look out for his mate and their pup. He wasn't gonna leave her alone, he actually just wanted to go back into the room and lay there with her. The pack could deal without him for awhile, his mate and child needed him more then anyone else right now. "I will make sure that she is taken care of and looked after. And you have my word, that she will not be left alone." He told Melissa, meaning every word.

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