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Hearing screams, I run up the stairs taking them two at a time, bolting into the room they're coming from I look between Xale and Kelly, scanning them from head to toe, nobody's hurt. I almost sigh with relief until I meet the eyes of Ally and my wolf starts screaming "Mate" over and over in my head. I feel stuck in place as I stare at her, something in me looking at her in a new light. She was always beautiful but now she is a goddess. There's no way, my mate can't be a human. As soon as the thought crossed my mind my wolf started growling at me. She's perfect, really. I don't.. I don't understand, though. How?

I can't tear my eyes away now. Her curves more inviting, her height just perfect to hold in my arms. My eyes roam down her curvaceous body, her breasts heaving up and down as she pants, her waist slimming before her hips flare out in abundance. I want to grab onto them and sink myself deep between her smooth pale legs, while I mark her. I'm standing on a ledge between wanting to rip her clothes off and needing to calm my wolf. I don't want to scare her away.

"So why is everyone yelling?" I ask, my eyes still on Ally I watch her reach her arm out and pull Xale behind her. My wolf whimpers about her not trusting us, his emotions setting me on edge I push him out, so I can concentrate.

"Kelly." Looking at her I gesture for her leave, and with a knowing look in her eyes and a tight lipped smile she does. Seconds later I hear the front door close, and I turn back to Ally and Xale.

"Put down the lamp, no ones going to hurt you here. Either of you." I look between Xale and Ally, speaking calmly, hoping to ease her fear I can now feel through our bond.

Xale moves from behind his mom and climbs onto the bed crawling across it until he is sitting at the edge. Looking back at her he whispered. "Momma he's nice, he helped me save you." Looking back at me he smiled.

Returning a huge smile back at him, I shake my head. "You could have handled that on your own little wolf, I was just there to supervise." I wink at him.

"I'm sure you have some questions, I've got some too. How about we send Xale to go get Boomer, my Beta can take him. We can go chat in the kitchen, get something to eat." I want to go to her, to wrap her in my arms. The smell of ripe red apples and cinnamon is filling the room and I need to get out of here. My wolf keeps trying to push back in and I'm worried he might try and claim her right here. I cross my fingers behind my back he doesn't. That's the worst way I could start our life together.

"No, I want him in here. Alone. I'll go with you." She raises her chin after. A promise in her eyes if I challenge her. She's going to make a wonderful Luna at my side. I smile to myself, my wolf proud and already enthralled.

"But Boom!" Xale whines.

"I will have her brought here." I answer.

Ally puts the lamp back on the table and wipes her hands down the sides of her red dress. Short sleeved with a v neck line. Its tight but flows out at the hips, stopping mid thigh. Then looks down and makes a face before going over to Xale, and whispering in his ear to aim for the balls.

I try to suppress a laugh but instead snort, earning an upturned brow from my mate. "I can hear you."

"Good, so now you won't try anything." She smirks at me and narrowed her eyes. Standing up she makes her way past me, bumping my arm with her shoulder. Tingles go up and down my arm and she stops in her tracks. Furrowing her browns she gulps then looks at me. I settle my wolf, closing my eyes. Opening them I smile and then turn to lead the way. Careful not to touch her again.


I close my eyes tight and shake my head. Taking a deep breath in, I open my eyes and follow him. A weird rush of lust, need, wanting, for this stranger settling inside of me. I stop at the bottom of the stairs and look around. I must be crazy. Shaking off the feeling, I look around. Two large arches on either side and the front door straight ahead. Looking into the Livingroom I spot two huge sectionals facing eachother. Pillows and throw blankets all around. Big bookshelves covering two entire walls and a painting of three wolves in the middle of two large windows. Everything is white and green. It feels peaceful. Looking over I watch him go through the other arch and follow timidly behind. A huge dinning table sits in the middle of the room, enough chairs to fit 20 or more people.

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