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"Our mate! Wake up!" My wolf howls in my head, causing me to squirm in bed and try and block her out. I'm so tired. I haven't gone out in years. Thank God I don't have a hangover. Is that a werewolf thing? "Get up idiot. Our mate is mad!" My wolf screams at me.

"Ugh!!!" I hiss out loud. "I'm up! I'm up!" I yell.

Throwing the blankets off me, I stretch and open my eyes. The smell of rogue making me gag. I open my eyes and look around. The curtains blocking out the sun, the rooms almost pitch black except a sliver of light that glows across the room from the gap where the curtains meet.

I sit up in bed and pull my dress up to my nose and gag again. Quickly jumping out of bed and ripping it off, walking into the bathroom and starting the shower. I take a moment to look in the mirror, my hair's a mess. Mascara from last night rubbed around my eyes like a raccoon.

I brush my teeth before getting into the shower and washing my hair. Once done I start washing my body, half a bottle of body wash later and I can't smell the rogue from last night.

Stepping out of the shower I grab a towel and wrap it around myself, pulling my hair over my shoulder. I grab my brush and run it through my hair till I get all the knots out. Then grab some makeup remover to wipe away the mascara left around my eyes.

"Our mate! Go to our mate!" My wolf says, and I roll my eyes.

"I didn't go to the bar to get away because he's been so great, remember? He is can come to me." I mumble, wiping under my other eye.

"Who can." Someone behind me says, I jump and turn. Hand to my chest.

"Mate!" My wolf cheers and turn my head giving her an eye roll before looking back at Daniel.

"You, and it's not nice to sneak up on people. Or come into their bathrooms without knocking." I mock.

"I'm pretty sure we've established neither of us care to knock." He growls. "I came in here to tell you take the day off. I want you to come with me and see Xale at the youth training grounds." He explained.

"Do I get to put clothes on first?" I question, raising a brow.

He closes the bathroom door and stalks closer to me. I grip the top of my towel, the only thing covering my body. He's close enough now I can smell his toothpaste as his breath fans my face. A growl deep in his chest escaping as he looks down my body.

He grabs my arm and tugs me closer, buries his face in my neck and inhales. His grip on my arm loosening. "Unless you want your punishment for last night first, you better get dressed quick." He breathed out.

I feel myself grow hot and my wolf start to purr deep inside me. I squeeze my legs together, closing my eyes I breath in to calm myself but his scent only drives my wolf wild with need. Her emotions mixing with mine.

His other hand comes up to move my hair behind my back. Then grabs my other shoulder as he moves his head to the other side of my neck, kissing my sweet spot. All I can concentrate on is his touch and smell. The feeling of his calloused hands rough against my smooth skin.

"I can smell you, Love, but it won't be the kind of punishment you want. Think fast. I'll count to three." He spoke into my ear before returning his attention to my neck. Biting me here, licking me there. I'm lost to the sensation. Heat building in my core.

"One." He whispers, then nips at my earlobe.

A shiver runs through me and I shake my head. My legs rubbing together, trying to ease the pressure.

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