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I didn't get Trevor and Xale together. I almost felt bad about it, almost, but a small part of me knew it was self-preservation that made me hesitant. If he died tonight I wouldn't be able to stand the pain Xale would go through all over again, and this time it would be my own fault.

There was another reason though, and I struggled with how I was going to deal with it all day. I killed his mate. A part of me knew it was wrong of me to let him fight beside me without that knowledge. Without him knowing I'd taken the most important person to him away, without hesitation. I killed her, and I wouldn't take it back. Even if I had known he was alive I'd of done it. Whether that was jealousy or selfishness I didn't know. Maybe it was payback, I'm not sure. For him deciding to leave Xale and I for her. She didn't deserve him. We had a family and he was going to abandon us for her. Even now that I've learned everything I have. Finding Daniel and knowing and feeling everything between him and I. I would have never left Trevor like he planned to leave us.

Susan and Xale cuddle side by side in his bed, playing with his tablet. Their sudden outburst of laughs pulling me from my thoughts. Looking at the clock on his bedside table I realize it's past his bedtime and I'll have to leave soon. Cracking my back I turn towards Xale patting his foot. "Go brush your teeth. It's bed time."

"But, momma.." he whines.

"No, bubba, go brush your teeth." I cut him off. I don't have time for this.

Huffing, he throws his tablet on the bed and tosses the blankets off of his lap. Stomping into his bathroom and slamming the door.

Susan chuckling at the tantrum. "Boys."

"I think Daniel's been spoiling him." I mutter laying back along the end of the bed. "He used to be such a good listener.

"He did his best. Men are always bigger pushovers. I'm sure when you two decide to have kids you will whip him into shape." He smirks over at me.

Widening my eyes, I shake my head. "You and babies. You know what's happening tonight right? Now is not the best time."

"If you wait for the perfect moment you'll miss it. Trust me.. Daniel's dad and I did." She mumbles her words at the end.

Pulling my brows together I decide against asking what she meant. Looking out one of the windows I see the moon rising higher into the sky. I need to get ready, Xale needs to hurry up. "Do you mind staying with Xale? You know, till it's over." I ask, pulling myself off the bed.

"I'd love too. Go, I'll get him down for bed." She smiles up at me.

"Thanks, tell him I love him." I sigh, looking back at the bathroom door I wait for a second but Xale doesn't come out. Running my hand through my hair I walk out of his room, marching down the stairs I head to the field the challenge will be held.

Taking the elastic from around my wrist I pull my hair up into a high pony tail. Walking down the path, I decide I should tell Trevor before we start, he shouldn't have to fight beside me not knowing. He should have the choice. I killed his mate, he might not want to defend me. I wouldn't blame him if he didn't. Honestly I'd understand. If anyone hurt Daniel I'd kill them. I just hope Trevor doesn't want to kill me after I tell him.

Lost in though Gregg scares me. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder, I jump out of my skin. "Jesus, Gregg." I screech.

"Goddess." Gregg corrects me, smirking.

Rolling my eyes, I jab him with my elbow.

"What's got you so jumpy?" He puts his arm back around me.

"I've got to tell Trevor something. He may not like it. He won't like it." I explain.

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