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I wake up to the sun shining in my face. Arms pulling me out of my seat, the sparks radiating themselves across my skin where I'm touched. My wolf feels comfortable in Daniel's arms, and I wrap my own around his neck. He can carry me where ever he likes. A part of me feels insecure because I know I'm not small, but I'm too tired to care.

The sway of his steps almost soothes me back to sleep before I'm fully able to drift off though I'm placed on cold sheets. Groaning, I wipe my hands over my eyes. Propping myself up on my elbows, I look around the room. We seem to be in a hotel. Everything neutral but classy. The room screams expensive. I hear the shower turn on through a cracked door and I can smell it's Daniel inside.

"How long did I sleep?" I ask, knowing he can hear me.

"You passed out about twenty minutes in." He laughs. "We have about four more hours ahead of us, but I needed some rest." He says back.

"You could have woken me, I would have driven." I explain. Laying myself back down, pulling the covers on top me. I kick off my shorts underneath and toss them on the ground beside the bed. I hear the shower turn off, and my head turns towards the bathroom door.

"It's fine, we got farther then planned. We can spend the night here. Tomorrow morning we will head out." His chest is still wet as he walks into the room, a white towel wrapped low around his hips. He runs his fingers through his hair and the sight turns me on. What is wrong with me? I'm like a horny teenager.

Groaning, I turn over and pull the blanket over my head. Listening to Daniel unzip his bag and some shuffling. Then feel his weight press down on the mattress. "Are you going to share?" He jokes.

I smile underneath the covers but shake my head no. "No, get your own bed and blanket."

"Any bed you're in is mine." He growls, yanking the blanket from my grasp. He lays himself down before he turns to me, looking into my eyes for a moment before speaking. "You might not understand what we are but you do know I can smell you." He winks.

My face turns red and I slap his shoulder. "And you wouldn't be affected if I walked in wet, towel hung low on my hips?" I sass, eyebrow raised.

"No, but I wouldn't hide it."

"Mate bond or not I understand lust. Everyone feels it sometime in their lives."

"Not the way you're about to if I don't mark you soon." His arms reach out for me and pull me into his side.

"What do you mean?" I look up at him, not resisting his touch. My wolf calmer with his touch than without.

"When mates meet but don't complete the mate bond they start to go into a heat. As a way to push them into mating. Any unmated wolf near will want at you. Your scent alone has grown stronger." He murmurs in my ear.

"So if you mark me it wont happen?" I question.

"Not exactly. Every female Wolf goes through heat every six months. Unless impregnated. During those times my pack keeps all unmated males locked up. The smell drives them wild. Unless marked the females scent calls to all. It's a burning from what I've been told. Only mating calms it down. If you've met your mate though and not completed the mating bond, it's told to be the strongest heat." He explains.

"Let's figure out why I can't shift before we worry about what could happen." I whisper as I get comfy. Closing my eyes, I focus on the feeling of his heartbeat thumping in his chest. I don't want to talk about things I can't solve or help. I like being in control of my life. So far since Trevor's death I've found out he lied to me the whole time, my son was a wolf, I'm kind of a wolf I guess and Trevor was going to leave me. The list goes on. I'm trying to find the good in the situation I've been put it. I don't know how long I can keep holding on though. I will try for Xale as long as I can, and Daniel too. They are the only thing keeping me together. The fact is though, Daniel's a stranger. I understand the bond, my wolfs yelled at me enough over it. The books, Daniel's mom and Kelly explained almost everything. I'm just so afraid of getting hurt again.

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