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I watch as Feronia starts rummaging through books, pulling one out of the shelf she hands it to me.

Taking it, I sigh. "Feronia, will she shift? My pack won't accept her if she doesn't."

"She will, in that book is what she needs to do so. The supermoon is only one part." She explains.

Walking towards me she places her hands on my shoulders, staring me in my eyes. Her face serious and voice stern. "She and her child are very important. They both will need to do the ceremony. The sharing of blood and shift must be in unison. It is the only way for them to reach their full potential."

"Xale's already shifted."

"A forced shift is not the same. He needs to complete his transformation." Patting my arm she goes and sits on the couch.

"Febris likes her, I can see why. Trevor talked very fondly or her and their son. She is just as beautiful as he said." She smiles. "The Red Moon pack are no friend to you. You need to watch the Alphas daughter." Her face once again growing serious.


"She was his mate after all. Wolves don't think kindly of others touching their mates." She rolled her eyes. "Jealousy, it clouds judgment. As well as loss."

"You don't think his death was an accident, do you?" I ask, leaning forward, knitting my hands together.

"We are unsure if someone did it. He came to Febris and I, to ask of us to watch over her and Xale. He was planning to leave them. When we went to the house we sensed no wolves. Trevor had passed, but his pups wolf should have left a scent. We assumed they had left after his death. If he was killed who ever it was, they have a witch."

Leaning back in the chair, I frown. "When I first saw her, I was running back from Red Moon pack going home. I could smell a wolf and followed. I realized she was human and kept going back to make sure she was okay."

"You kept going back because she was your mate." She laughs.

"Not until Xale changed her."

"You might not of known, but I'm sure that your wolf did." She looks off out the window. "Did you smell Trevor or Xale?"

"Trevor, why?" I furrow my brows.

"Just wondering. Now let's talk about the other reason you came." Getting up, she walks up into the loft.

Disappearing for a moment before returning with a small bottle. Making her way down the steps she twists the cap off and smells what's inside, the smell is strong enough I can smell it from here. Scrunching my nose, I hold in a laugh. "That better not be it. Any wolf in a five hundred mile radius could smell that."

"You're the one who got into this mess. Vicky's stubborn, strong, of alpha blood. You want to get out of it this might be your only option." She mumbles, plugging a small cork into the bottle.

Now in front of me, I stand and reach for the vial out of Feronia's. Before my hands can grasp it she pulls the bottle back. "You never got this from me and you better not hurt that girl out there. I made a promise." Her shoulders straighten as she stares down at me.

Eyes boring deep into my soul, like they were searching for the truth in my answer. "I promise." I swear, and I've never been as honest in my life as when I spoke those words. Whatever I do will be for her. I don't ever want to cause her pain.

It was bad enough my decision to allow her to be given Xale's blood changed her without having all the answers. Without knowing what it would do and how to help her. As an Alpha, I failed her.

Even if my wolf was glad. Even if I was glad.

She was our mate after all.

Looking back, knowing what I know now, I'd still make the same choice.

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