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She's been gone for over a month now. The pain in my chests becoming everlasting. My wolfs impatient, his roars to find her giving me a headache daily. I'm trying, harder then I've ever tried to do anything in my life. Her smell is gone from my house and the only thing I have to remind me of her is my memories, and the eyes of her little boy. Fall leaves cover the ground I walk on. Following another lead I got from some whispers in surrounding packs. The sun rising waking birds that now chirp in the trees. I've been out here all night. I need to get back to Xale, but I don't want to go back and tell him I've got nothing. Again.

Rubbing my eyes, I let out a sigh, then run my fingers through my hair. "Fuck."

Kicking the leaves I turn around, heading back to my car. I've been out here almost twenty four hours, and from what I've found I'd say it was another dead end. Nothing here leads to Ally.

Walking into the pack house I spot Xale at the table eating breakfast. May sitting beside him, she looks up at me, her eyes asking me if I found anything without speaking out loud. Shaking my head no I pass them and go into the kitchen. My staff rushing around packing Xale's lunch and school bag. I take an apple and bite into it. Waiting for his things to be done with, so I can take him to the pack school.

We walk in silence for awhile. Putting my hand on his shoulder I give it a small squeeze and he stops, turning his eyes to me.

"I'll find her. Even dead ends bring us closer to finding her." I try and reassure him.

Wrapping his arms around my leg he starts to cry and I pick him up. Wrapping my arm around him, stroking his hair with the other, I lean my head against his. "I-i-i want h-her bac-ck now." He cries into my shoulder.

"Me too. Me too." I whisper. My throat closing up hearing him so upset. I almost let my own emotions through, I can't though, I won't. He needs me to stay strong, and I will. For him and her.

"Want to skip school today? We can go back and get May to make us some cookies. Then have a movie day, just us two." I offer, trying to make him a little happier.

Nodding his head in my neck I turn and walk back. I'll do anything if it makes this easier on him. Keeping my head high I hold tight onto Xale. Passing pack members on our way. Their eyes all watching, showing just how much they pity and feel for us.

I feel relief wash over me as I shut the front door. Setting Xale down onto his feet I take off his backpack and put it down beside the wall. "Go grab some blankets and pillows. I'll meet you in the livingroom." I give him a tight lipped smile.

Wiping the tears from his cheek, he nods and turns away. Not saying a word.

Entering the kitchen I clear my throat and  the omegas to turn to me. "Cookies, lots of them, and snacks please. We will be in the livingroom." I order, my voice as even as I can manage with all the emotions swirling around inside of me.

Throwing myself down on to the couch I wait for Xale. "Staying home with Xale today. Get me a new lead. I want to head out tonight once he's asleep." I link Cody.

"You need rest, Daniel. I've got everyone out finding looking for more information. I'll look into any new leads. You should sleep." He links back.

"I'm not asking for you're input. Find me something. Today." I growl, closing our link.

Xale crawling on to the couch, pulling his blanket over us, he cuddles up under my arm, into my side. "Can we watch Lion King?"

"Sure." I smile down at him. Taking the remote and opening Disney Plus. Hearing someone coming into the room I look up at May. She lays a tray filled with different bowls of snacks and a couple drinks. Leaving she wipes her hands on her apron and gives me a slight bow.

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