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Pain wakes me and I look around, rubbing at my hips. Spasm maybe, I figure, having fallen asleep on the front porch. I stand and stretch, knocking on the front door.

Cody answers letting me inside and I grunt. "Gregg with her?" Not caring how rude I was being.

"Yes, not sure where she is though. Gregg didn't tell me. Just said he was going to make sure she was okay and watch over her." He filled me in as I went to the kitchen, getting myself a drink of water.

Pain shoots through my hips again and I clutch at them. Dropping the glass of water, it breaks as it crashes to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Cody asks, rushing to my side, grabbing my arm.

Shrugging him off, I stand straight. "Fine, I think I just pissed off my body. I fell asleep on the porch."

"Go sleep, I'll clean this up. I'll wake you before she gets back." Cody pushes me out of the kitchen.

"Thanks." I mumble, rubbing my hip.

I look at the couch made up for Cody then up the stairs. The smell of Ally soothing me and my wolf, I head to her room. Opening her bedroom door. I saunter over to her bed and lay on top of the comforter. Inhaling a deep breath, letting her scent calm me. Cody will wake me before she gets here.

Closing my eyes I try and fall asleep. Tossing and turning until I feel a sense of panick run through me. Ally is scared. I jump up. Running downstairs. "Where are they?" I nudge a sleeping Cody.

"I honestly don't know." He groans.

"Link some trackers. Ally's in trouble." I growl.

Pain shoots through my fist then the back of my head, and I start to worry. My temple feels like it's exploded and I stumble back, falling back into the coffee table. I sit down and try and compose myself. My breath is sucked out of my lungs before I feel a sharp pain in my ribs. Over and over. Then my face.

"Protect Xale." Ally links me.

Growling, I struggle to get up. Ally's hurting. "Cody, get Kelly here now! Have men come watch Xale. Stay here until they get here. I've got to go find Ally. As soon as the trackers get here tell them to find her. I can't wait." I groan. Gripping my ribs, I stumble to the back door. Looking around making sure no one is outside, that no one will see me, I shift. Running through the woods towards town.

My throat tightens and it's hard for me to breath. Pushing my wolf to run faster, I link Ally. "Ally! Where are you! I'm coming."

The back of my head starts to hurt more than anything I've ever felt and then everything starts to become numb.

"Protect Xale."

The pain I was feeling is washed away and my wolf howls out. My paws pound the soil as I push my wolf to run faster.

"Cody! ETA on the trackers."

"Ten minutes, Alpha."

Not soon enough. Getting to the outskirts of town I run from shadow to shadow. Hiding behind bushes and cars. Looking for her. Sniffing for her. Any signs she was near. Catching her scent near a club I see my men running down the street in human form. Towards the alley between the club and some stores. Following them into the dark alley, I'm frozen in place. Blood decorates the concrete and brick. Ally's shoes sit along the wall. Shifting, I grab her shoes and look up and down the alley for any signs which way she went. My men examining the scene around me.

I look down at a big puddle of blood, knowing it's Ally's from the smell. Dropping to my knees I feel myself start to break down. Pushing the sadness aside I decide to let the anger consume me. Growling louder than I ever have, I force myself to stand. My men's eyes all turn to me with fear. "Find her. Now!"

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